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An unpleasant surprise

Erisa's eerie ring of a laugh peeled through the car once again and this time, it was louder than the last.

"He—he said he loved you? YOU?" Erisa slammed her hands on the steering wheel and leaned her forehead against it, her laugh falling into a croaky chuckle.

"I see how this amuses you," Cadence stated grimly, fiddling with the silver chain wrapped around her hand. She hadn't stopped since she told Erisa what happened between her and Rexton. All of ten minutes ago.

"Only because it torments you." Erisa snapped and poked Cadence hard in the shoulder. "Only if you could see yourself right now, you look petrified. You wouldn't be scared in front of a lycan, but a boy saying he loves you scares the hell out of you. How funny."

Sign Cadence up to slay the beast, be hurt in the process and possibly die then cast her into a hole where confession of emotion was to make play. She would rather be thrown into the Colosseum with lycans and battle her way out than relive what just happened.

"So he got you that necklace, huh? Want me to put it around your neck?" Erisa joked.

Cadence punched Erisa in the shoulder.

Erisa cupped her shoulder and howled in pain. "Oh, come on, you will look nice with it on."

"Once you get out of this car, I'm going to kick your ass." Cadence threatened.

"I have no intention of leaving. Do you know how long it took for me to even cross the border? The guards might as well ask for my I.D." Erisa exclaimed and hopped out, slamming the door behind her.

Accalia had upped the security measures around the territory to ensure the protection of the pack. It was difficult to come in and out like you once could. Guards patrolled every perimeter, swapping over every few hours and informed the Beta or Accalia of any sudden disturbances.

It was obsessive, Cadence gathered, but she knew it was necessary at the same time.

And so far, there had been no disturbance and that was what irked everyone in the pack more. Why hadn't anyone come for Cole? What was Adriana planning? And where was Lycus?

It made no sense, but Accalia wasn't about to lower her guard. She wasn't taking any chances.

"How'd you get in?" Cadence questioned, reluctantly getting out of the car and scanning the woods for any sign of Rexton.

"I wasn't going to come originally, but it's your birthday. I had to see you. I just told them I fought alongside them three months ago and I worked for Lycus and Accalia to take ... Cole down." Erisa cringed, making a face at the sudden mention of that name.

"He's asking about you,"

Erisa recoiled, rolling her shoulders back and she dug her pale hands into her leather jacket that hooded her form.

"He is?" Erisa wondered aloud.

Cadence nodded in response, having no further explanation for her.

If he wasn't quiet, he would ask Erisa. If he wasn't suffering from starvation and water, he would be thinking of her to quench his thirst.

He was obsessed and it was the dark kind of interest.

"Honestly, I'd rather have a boy like Rexton say he loves me than a predator like Cole wanting to pursue me, Cadence," Erisa said thickly, breathing through her every word.

"I'd rather neither," Cadence exclaimed and kicked her combat boot against the dirt. "I'd rather Cole tell us what he knows."

"Perhaps we should go see him."

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