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Kiss & Tell

Rexton was laying on his side. His eyes strung in dry and burning pain. He hadn't closed them once. He hadn't blinked in this long stretch of hours that have passed over. He felt the tension quake in his body. He needed to move, his head compelled him to, but he couldn't find it in himself.

He had stayed like this ever since his head hit the pillow. Unblinking eyes, a body possessed.
Sleep would give him no comfort, so he didn't sleep. His thoughts wouldn't be merciful enough, so he stayed awake.

If they couldn't sleep soundly, why should he?

He was in limbo. Tied between two worlds that hung him by his arms and he didn't care if he begged for release. He didn't deserve it, did he?

If they couldn't eat, why should he?

Adriana gave it all to him and she took it all away.

Rexton wouldn't know if Adriana plagued him with nightmares of killing his mate because he didn't sleep a wink. He didn't want to face the consequences of what sleep granted him. He didn't want to bare witness to Cadence's pain. Her blood loss. Her lost faith in him.

Rexton's eyes were unblinking all night, all morning and still as the dusky skies filled the afternoon.

If any nightmares tried to haunt him, he wouldn't have felt it. There was no cold sweat clinging to his body, no memories of what lay beyond the subconscious and no lingering need for blood on his tongue.

If they couldn't be freed, why should he?

He hated the castle, the structure and the foundation of it. Barely anything moved in the day, guards stationed their given areas, servants carried on with their duties, and everything else slept.

The curtains only opened at night, candles gleamed at all hours and Rexton didn't sleep any of the day away even as his body begged him so.

Too many thoughts, too many hopes and too hopeless dreams kept him awake.

She already has me.

She has me.

She already has me.

She has me.

He wished to tell Lycus this, but Rexton didn't want to disturb him further. He didn't want to pain him the stories of how it all came to be — why the hybrid wasn't just a lycan and why he would never be just one singular thing. He was between worlds.

Rexton's throat went dry. He was his own, individual design from the blood of Lilith.

He couldn't do anything more with Lycus. He refused his freedom, he fought against it like everyone else did and Rexton never felt more useless in his life.

None of them wanted to be saved if it meant losing Rexton.

People that showed very little emotion, very little acts of love and affection, they were too selfless and willing to lay down their lives for the hybrid.

Rexton never hated his stained and tarnished blood as much as he did now.

Adriana dug her claws into Rexton, immobilised him where he couldn't move, could barely think and she revealed no intention of releasing.

She created Rexton.

He was hers.

Adriana only wanted to take what she had made.

Lycus and Gabriel fought it. They chose sacrifice to ensure safety. They exacted what exactly needed to be done. Still, they fought, but now, they were bringing more people down with them.

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