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No silver to wield

With silver and sword.

And with silver and blood.

The code the Larren hunters live by, the commandment they bend the knee to and obey.

Accalia had never wanted to crumble to her knees so much.

"How about you get on your knees and beg, Alpha Accalia?"

Accalia had the sudden, despairing urge to scream at him. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction, even if every night, in the comfort of Lycus's bed, did she weep until she no longer could. Until her mind caved in and her body fell into rest.

She wouldn't beg Cole Canus.

Here they were, same time, every day, for the past three months with Accalia hoping whatever was out there that Cole would speak. One would think after slowly depriving him of food and water, stealing rays of sunlight away, he would break and collapse to his admittance of where Adriana was. Where Lycus was.

A location, a scent, even a footprint would suffice, but there was nothing. There was only the absolution of nonexistence.

The slow decay of Cole Canus made him more stubborn.

"I'll never beg," Accalia claimed.

Cole grinned, his hollow and waned cheeks puffing out beneath Accalia's dark gaze.

"You might as well," Cole drawled and sighed tiredly, "You already come here every day in the early hours of the morning, so pathetic and desperate."

Accalia shrieked and stormed to the cage, her hands clenching around the rustic bars as she stared Cole down. He was still confined, but in an alternative way to give him some leeway.

He was no longer bound to a chair and had the chance to move his lower body, but not his arms that were barred at the wrists and a chain latched around his throat.

"Tell me!" Accalia cried out. "Tell me, and I'll trade you for Lycus. You'll leave here unscathed."

That was all Accalia wanted. Her mate, the other part of her that bound her soul to this earth. She wanted one thing: Lycus for Cole.

Adriana manipulated the Canus Alpha for months, perhaps years, so he could do her bidding and overthrow the Fenris Alphas in an act of revenge for what they did to Rexton. Lycus and Gabriel locked their little brother away for his protection, so the threat that lingered went away, but it didn't last.

Cadence freed Rexton, the threat unearthed itself as an immortal vampire and wanted the hybrid for herself. But instead, a war unravelled and for them taking Cole, Adriana took Lycus. It was a cycle of revenge and punishment with no hint of easing the restraints.

Accalia had much reliance on Cole, hoping he would snap by now and spill his truths. He only spoke when he wished and even then, it was mainly threats to their lives and his plans for freedom. He would achieve neither. 

"You think after all these months without a word of Adriana, she's going to give a single fuck about me now?" Cole snapped, his grey eyes sharpening in spears of silver. "I'm expendable, bitch, you might as well kill me!"

You take my Alpha, I take yours.

"Your wolves have abandoned you, left your territory and left you to rot. You have nothing now." Accalia reminded him.

"My wolves are under Adriana's ruling as is the Thrax pack, Alpha Accalia."

Accalia would rather be called Luna.

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