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In flames, they burn

Cadence was slammed into a wall, and it was by her enemy, but not the enemy she expected.

"Anything happens and you get out, find Warrin." Alexene implored, eyes flaring.

Distrust raked through Cadence's heart and she repelled the feral need to punch Alexene. They needed here her strength to get out of there.

"Why the hell—" Cadence spluttered and she flung Alexene's arm off her with a sneer.

Alexene gripped Cadence harder and stared greatly, deeply enough into Cadence's pupils that it could have been a glamour. "Find Warrin, Cadence."

"Why would I care to do that?" Cadence demanded.

A fight threatened to reign down on them, but that look on Alexene's face was sheer desperation. If she was human, there would have been stress lines and unrelenting exhales of air on her.

Stumped, Cadence shook her off. She couldn't be worrying about that or anyone else for that matter, not when Accalia flung herself into the den of wolves.

Accalia was willing to burn this entire castle to the ground and Cadence had never seen anything like it. With the passing of their loved ones, the scars written on Accalia's back, the taking of Lycus and the abuse he endured, Cadence had never seen such hate that could be in one's soul, a soul so gentle. It was deathly cold.

And it had taken Accalia Larren like a sickness, provoking and sickening her.

This was their fault. Adriana, Alexene, Cole, Melina, and anyone who came for them. Everyone infected Accalia with revenge and pain. They created this. They created her.

Accalia was vengeance in the making. 

Cadence knew rage, the need for revenge through vengeful fists. That bittersweet need to hurt something for the slightest bit of release. She had dealt with it ever since she was a kid, ever since she saw the dead eyes of her mother. It was always there, inside the depths of her rotten heart. Accalia tried to stop it. She tried to help Cadence, help her through the silent torment that made her run in her dreams and hunt in life.

Accalia was becoming something other than themselves. A different variant of hate than the rest of them and if it meant taking her with it in the end, take destroy her enemies, she would do it in a heartbeat.

Alexene left Cadence's side and lunged at a werewolf.

Tala was a shield for the servant. Claire was cowering and tucked tightly in a corner with her hands covering her head. A werewolf towered over them both and tried his luck with the Beta. As he neared, Tala sprung first and slashed her claws in motionless directions until the tips of her claws were touching clothing.

Cadence's eyes drifted over to Erisa through the ground of fighters.

Against her better judgement, Erisa was guarding Cole. He was sidelined, too drained to fight, let alone turn into his ferocious beast that once scared anyone in his path.

Cadence didn't know if she would reach in time as a werewolf closed the distance on Erisa, his mouth dripping with saliva and thirst.

Whirling her sword in front and at the ready, Cadence dashed over to them as the wolf raised his mighty claws. He brought his hands down upon Erisa and Cadence's heart hammered painfully against her chest, a reap of torment washing over her like a brush of death.

Cole snaked his arm around Erisa's waist and flung her out of the way.

The claws came down and left a long, bloody slash across Cole's chest.

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