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Blood truths, blood ties

It could be many moons ago, but Rexton still felt the shadows of darkness wrapping around him like vines. It was a sentence and he thought he would have his eternal life falling in and out of rest in the coffin in the cave. He was conditioned to it. It was all he knew.

When he was freed, he had to grow used to the sunlight hitting the darkened corners of the forest. He had to feel the moonbeams that bathed all things unholy. It was all he wanted and more.

And more he was given.

He thought the sun and moon were enough lights, but then Cadence's blazing soul spun with spite and fury. She was the darkest of them all, but somehow, she burned the brightest.

Rexton wouldn't mind being devoured by the burning darkness of his mate. He would gladly devour it.

Even if it meant drowning in the strobe lights and blaring music of the nightclub Adriana invited him to.

It was devoid of what was natural to Rexton. It was eroded in dancing bodies, drunken souls and thirsted beings with nothing better to do.

Whilst Rexton's family lay rotting, others, in the same castle, were drowning in blood and booze.

Rexton knew better than to decline the queen's invite.

"Would you like a drink, Rexton?" Adriana purred at his side.

Rexton tore his eyes from the ceiling and to Adriana, silence waving around him. When he woke this morning, a perfectly assembled outfit was awaiting him. A white-collared shirt and dark trousers. His only time to waste was to watch the sun sink down.

Two guards had picked him up from his room an hour ago, walking in a thick silence as they escorted him to Adriana.

The rest was a blur. The next moment, Adriana had him stitched at her hip and they were walking into a loud and smoky-filled nightclub on the other side of the castle. He hardly took any notice that they were at the bar with priceless drinks being placed in front of them.

Rexton's nose crinkled and peered down at the red liquid. "What is it?"

Adriana drummed her pointy claws across the table of the bar and placed the drink underneath Rexton's nose.

He inhaled and almost went into a coughing fit.

It was a fusion of alcohol and blood, a strong essence of whiskey mingled with droplets of human blood. 

Rexton clasped his throat, rubbing tenderly, trying to fizzle out the taste that hit his nostrils, hitting the muscle points of thirst.

"No—no, thank you," Rexton choked out and looked away.

Adriana laughed in the background and consumed the drink without a moment to waste.

Hooking her arm through his, Adriana pulled Rexton away from the bar and they strolled through the club.

Rexton was clipped at Adriana's side, by the lush of her waist and he could feel the sequins of her red dress rub against his white collared shirt in a scaly way.

She was dressed for the occasion. A long fur coat detailed with different specks of fur colours
laced around her. It could pass as lycan fur, but Rexton didn't have the stomach to see deeper enough. With a slit at the leg, the sequin dress pooled down her petite frame in a star-fall of bright red and she was a sight to behold. 

The bodies of vampires, humans, lycans and werewolves wore clothed in animal fur, glitter and prosper. They moved out of their way at the incomers and they all brandished the most pleased, lust-filled smiles and expressions at their mistress, the woman they worshipped and idolised. She marvelled at every speck of appraisal and attention.

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