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Jisung returned to the table to a concerned Minho. Minho furrowed his brows and asked Jisung again but of course, Jisung didn't budge. Minho sighed knowing that Jisung could be stubborn sometimes but he continued with his dinner.

They both finished after awhile and Jisung took Minho to the rooftop where it was rather calming, with the soothing wind blowing at both of them. Minho looked down at the city below him and his eyes sparkled, seeing the wonderful view beneath him.

Jisung hugged him from behind and spun him around before giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. Minho smiled and he kissed back, resting his hands on Jisung's arms.

"Minho.. I love you." Jisung smiled after they parted.

"I love you too." Minho replied. 

Jisung lowered his head and he started looking anxious again. He took a deep breath and he reached into his pocket before taking out a box. Jisung got onto one knee and Minho didn't even realise what was happening until he saw Jisung looking up at him with such love and affection in his eyes.

"I want to be with you forever, Minho. You're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with and I don't ever want to lose you. You've changed my life so much.. Since the day you entered that café, I've fallen in love with you. Everything about you is just perfect.. You are perfect." Jisung said in a gentle voice, his eyes sparkling as he looked up at Minho.

"J-Jisung.." That was all Minho could manage to say. He clasped his mouth with his hands and he felt the corners of his eyes starting to burn.

"I promise that we'll be happy together. So please.." Jisung opened the box in his hands. Inside was a glimmering diamond ring, glistening under the moonlight. "Will you marry me?"

Minho tried to say something but he couldn't. His heart was beating so furiously against his chest that it even made it hard to breathe. Through his tears, he nodded and fell onto his knees as well before falling forwards into Jisung's embrace.

Suddenly, the lights on the roof lit up and balloons flew into the air. It startled Minho slightly and Minho turned around, smiling even more when he saw the rest of the crew with a whole party prepared. Felix was crying as well and Chan was trying to hold back his tears as he gave Minho a thumbs up.

Jisung picked the ring out of the box and put it onto Minho's ring finger. He gave Minho's hands a kiss before pulling him into a hug again, tears finally spilling out of his own eyes as he held tightly onto Minho.


"We are all assembled here to join this wonderful couple in holy marriage." The priest started as he stood between Minho and Jisung.

Jisung held Minho's hands tightly in his own, trembling slightly from how nervous he was. He couldn't believe that this was actually happening. Minho looked back at Jisung and he stifled a laughter as he saw how anxious Jisung was.

"Han Jisung. Do you take Lee Minho as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest turned his head to Jisung and asked.

"Yes." Jisung stated firmly as he nodded.

"And Lee Minho. Do you take Han Jisung as your lawful husband and swear to love and stay by his side for the rest of your life?" The priest asked as he turned his gaze to Minho.

"Yes." Minho nodded as well.

"Well then, I now pronounce you partners for life! You may kiss." The priest smiled and stepped back. There was a huge uproar of cheers and Minho and Jisung stepped towards each other. Jisung rested his hand on Minho's hip and the other traced down his face.

Jisung pressed his lips onto Minho's. He shut his eyes and held Minho in his arms, continuing to kiss him with passion until both of them were out of breath. Another wave of cheering sounded through the beach when they parted and both of them pressed their foreheads together.

"I love you so much, baby." Jisung whispered so that no one other than Minho could hear him.

"I love you too, Sung." Minho smiled and he shut his eyes in contentment. "I love you too."

The end.

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