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After Jaeyul was done with Minho, he tucked Minho into bed and returned to his office. Minho laid there, his body slightly shaking. His distressed eyes followed Jaeyul until he disappeared through the door. The door shut and only then did Minho move again. He rolled over on the bed and stared at the ceiling with a blank face.

Minho touched the spot next to him. The blankets felt cold under his hand. Jaeyul barely slept together with Minho anymore since he was either too busy and would sleep in his office or he would go out to party and only return home the following morning. Minho knew that he and Jaeyul were dating but seeing the spot on the bed next to him empty, he felt a wave of loneliness wash through him.

When was the last time we had a proper day together? I can't remember.. I hope that I'm not disappointing him. He did say that he only liked me for my body anyways.. Why do I feel like crying? Everything's so empty. I should just sleep. It's been a rough day.


"Heya mate! Wanna go to the cafe? You normally go at this time anyways, don't ya?" Chan cheered as he peeked his head into the dance studio. Minho was just packing his things, getting ready to leave and he nodded his head silently as he went out with Chan. Chan couldn't help but notice a change in Minho's demeanour. His behaviour just seemed off. Although Minho was a reserved person, he would still say hi when Chan greeted him but today, he didn't.

Chan didn't ask any further as he knew about Minho's relationship with Jaeyul. He figured it was probably something that happened between the two that caused Minho's change in behaviour. Chan had always hated Jaeyul with all his heart and that was saying something as Chan wasn't the type to dislike someone.

Minho simply went up to the counter and Felix knew what he wanted so he just tapped his screen a few times before Minho presented his credit card and sat back down. Chan ordered a cold brew tea and he stared at Minho. He knew that Minho was going through a lot, especially with that crap of a boyfriend.

They were interrupted by a worker and when they looked up, both of them saw Jisung leaning over the table with Minho's order. Minho's face went slightly red as he hadn't expect his order to be delivered right to his table. Minho bowed his head out of gratitude and he expected Jisung to leave but he didn't.

"You're Minho right? Minho Lee. Hyunjin told me a bit about you.. You're a dancer at JYP, right? Gosh, that's actually so sick. Oh, my apologies, I'm gushing.. Anyways, I've observed you for awhile. Don't get me wrong! Not stalking kind of observe- It's just that you come here every day, same time and order the same shit.. Yeah." Jisung blurted out. He was nervous about talking to Minho and he shot a glare at Felix who had dared him to strike up a conversation. Felix just smirked as he saw his friend panic.

"Ah, you must be Jisung? Thanks for helping me yesterday, by the way." Minho smiled at Jisung and Jisung combusted internally on the spot. However, Jisung could notice the sadness behind that smile. There was way more to Minho's story and he knew something was probably weighing on his mind right now.

"No problem, I was just doing my job. And hi Chan, haven't seen you around in awhile." Jisung chuckled softly.

"Yeah! Was too busy with work. Anyways.. You two get along pretty well! It seems you have already met each other? I was planning on introducing you guys but I guess I don't need to do that anymore." Chan looked between Minho and Jisung. "So, you guys are friends?"

"N-no, we aren't." Minho got extremely flustered and he shook his hands.

"We could be?" Jisung pushed. He was slightly disappointed seeing Minho's reaction but he wasn't giving up just yet.

"Yeah Minho! Make some friends! If this is about Jaeyul I will literally tear that man to shreds!" Chan patted Minho's shoulder and he maintained a happy expression despite saying something so intimidating.

"Oh.. Fine. Here's my number.." Minho mumbled as he showed his profile to Jisung. Jisung quickly added it into his phone and he did a little victory dance inside, overjoyed that he had actually managed to obtain Minho's number. As soon as Jisung returned to the counter and couldn't hear their conversation anymore, Minho hissed at Chan like an angry kitten.

"Jaeyul goes through my phone.. How do I explain?" Minho murmured as he clenched his fists.

"Just say it's a friend! And that man is toxic as fuck, when are you going to leave him?" Chan argued back.

"When I earn more money and find the right person. I.. I can't leave him yet." Minho shook his head and sighed. He understood where Chan was coming from. "Plus, he isn't that bad.."

"Pftt.. Not bad my fucking ass." Chan rolled his eyes. Minho looked down at his waffle and he frowned. He knew that Chan was right, he had to leave Jaeyul as soon as he possibly could. Minho looked at his phone hearing that it buzzed. Turns out Jaeyul checked Minho's contacts and saw that Minho had just added a new number.

jaeyul <3 - 16:34
who the fuck is "han jisung"?


im literally about to dive into my screen and beat the living daylights out of this bitch i know i created jaeyul but omfg i hate this man so much

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