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"Why was he hugging you?" As expected, the man was none other than Jaeyul. Jaeyul tossed Minho onto the couch as if he was just a book before stepping over and towering over him.

"I swear we're only friends! Please don't hurt me.." Minho's voice trailed off and he raised his arm in defence.

"Tomorrow, I want you to tell him that you don't want to have anything to do with him anymore. Got it? You can go to the cafe sure, but if I catch you speaking to him again, I'm throwing you out the house." Jaeyul threatened. As soon as he finished, Minho's phone rang. Jaeyul grabbed it before Minho could and he smirked seeing it was Jisung calling.

"Or maybe we could do that now." Jaeyul grinned as he picked up the call. Minho's pupils shrunk as Jaeyul handed him the phone.

"Go on. Say it." Jaeyul whispered as he stared sternly at Minho.

"Minho? Are you there? I just wanted to check on you.." Jisung spoke through the phone. This made it even harder for Minho to speak and he gulped before sitting up.

"J-Jisung.. I d-don't.. I don't want to see you a-anymore. Please don't t-text or call this number again." Minho mumbled and quickly hung up before he could hear Jisung's response.

"Good boy. That's more like it." Jaeyul ruffled Minho's hair before leaning in and pressing a kiss on Minho's forehead.


"What? Min what do you mean? Hello?" Meanwhile on the other side, Jisung felt his heart drop when he heard what Minho had said. He knew something was definitely up, Minho would never say that.

It's probably that bastard Jaeyul forcing him to.. As long as he still comes to the cafe, I think I can still make things right. Ugh.. that bitch. I'm so tempted to just harvest his organs alive.. Whatever. 

The next day, Minho came to the cafe but with an eyepatch. Jisung frowned seeing the eyepatch and figured that Jaeyul had either punched Minho again or Minho somehow managed to hurt himself but Jisung was leaning towards the first prediction.

"Hey Min-" Jisung approached Minho after his shift and he was surprised to see that Minho immediately took off running when Jisung tried talking to him.

Jisung didn't start a chase but he was rather disappointed. The following days went on like this. Minho would come to the cafe and whenever Jisung tried talking with him, Minho would just pick up his pace without saying a word to Jisung.

After another whole month, Jisung was at his breaking point. Felix had also noticed this and he tried to comfort Jisung but it never seemed to work. Both of them knew what Jisung really needed was to talk with Minho, even if it was for just a few minutes.

At 7 PM, Jisung left and went after Minho and this time, Jisung managed to grab a hold of Minho's arm. Minho flinched as he turned around and just when he was about to pull his hand away, he noticed tears trickling down Jisung's face. Minho didn't know why but seeing Jisung cry broke his own heart as well. Minho couldn't help it. He raised his arms and wiped the tears away from Jisung's eyes and he pouted seeing Jisung cry even more.

"This.. This is the first time I've seen you cry." Minho finally commented as he looked up at Jisung. This was the first sentence he had said to Jisung in a whole month and Jisung was surprised that Minho had finally spoken to him.

"I'm sorry I just.. I missed you. I missed us. The times we used to have together.. When we laughed together. I want that back, Minho. Is it because of Jaeyul?" Jisung hiccuped and he grabbed a tissue from his bag before dabbing at his eyes.

Minho nodded slightly and he looked down at the floor. He didn't know how much this had been hurting Jisung and Minho felt guilty when he found out. 

"Well.. To be honest, I do too. We could.. I could try to meet with you without him knowing. Or I'll say it's for my work.. I don't know but I'll work this out." Minho sighed. He was pretty mad at himself for not thinking about this before.

"R-really? That'd be great. Thank you." Jisung smiled and he pulled Minho into a hug, resting one hand behind Minho's back and one on Minho's head. 

Minho smiled weakly and he rested his head on Jisung's shoulder. He had missed this feeling. The warmth of Jisung's embrace. And whenever Jisung hugged him, Minho would feel his face burning and heart pounding against his chest. 

Just then, Minho's phone buzzed and Minho pulled away from Jisung to check his phone.

jaeyul <3 - 19:08
come to xxx. now.

Minho knew something was wrong as Jaeyul was using fullstops. He hid the message from Jisung and he excused himself, saying he had to go back to the company. As soon as Jisung walked away, he looked around searching for Jaeyul amongst the crowd but he couldn't spot him anywhere.

Did he see me with Jisung or what? There's no way he could get to me that quick and then disappeared even if he had tracked my phone.. Fuck, whatever.


ok ive decided were not gonna have jisung pull a drunk dazed cus hes not experienced in killing and would probably end up in jail sorry guys 😭😭

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