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"Who the fuck's in there?! Don't make me break this fucking door down!" Jisung screamed and Minho's eyes widened when he saw Jisung's hand on the top of the door to his stall. 

His body started shaking and he kept his hand clasped onto his mouth as terror took over him. This wasn't the Jisung that he knew. Why was his voice so harsh.. So cold and so mean? And more importantly, who was he with and what was he doing with that person?

"Ugh.. Love, just ignore them.. We were getting to the good part~" Another voice groaned.

Minho wasn't sure if he was relieved or not to hear that the other voice wasn't one that he knew. It was great that Jisung wasn't cheating on him with someone that he knew but then.. Jisung was still making out with someone else. And it was another male voice which wasn't very surprising.

"Don't you care that there's some bitch in there listening to us? Your moans are only for me to listen to, baby. I'm not letting whatever hoes in there to listen to your gorgeous voice.." Jisung growled in a deep, harsh voice and the other person just whined but didn't stop Jisung.

Minho was now on the verge of tears. They were already forming in the corner of his eyes and he was just barely managing to keep them in. Suddenly the door handle on the door to his stall suddenly started rattling and not being able to contain it anymore, Minho started crying out of both pain and fear. His heart felt so empty.. Like a part of him was taken away.

His eyes burnt as he sobbed and a mix of emotions washed through him. He felt betrayed, used, sad, angry and so much more. But most importantly.. He felt like this was just another huge hourglass and he had just ended back up in square one.

Just like with Jaeyul.

Jaeyul used him and went out with other people without caring about what Minho felt. But Minho had loved him. Now this.. This but with Jisung. Minho couldn't believe it. Jisung had used him. But no. No.. That wasn't possible. Was it?

"Open up this fucking door! Which one of you are in there!? I know for sure that's not Lix.. Lix went home earlier because of that bastard Hyunjin. Tsk.. So who is it?! Open up before I fuck your perverted ass up!" Jisung pounded on the door and the wooden frame was shaking so much that Minho knew it was going to break soon. 

Minho climbed up the stall into the one closer to the window. Jisung noticed a figure suddenly fly from the stall he was pounding on into the other and he followed, chasing behind it. He swung open the door but right when he did so, Minho jumped out from the stall above the door right over Jisung.

There was a glass window on the left and as whoever Jisung was making out with was blocking Minho's way of getting out of the bathroom, he leapt through the window without even bothering to open it first. Jisung managed to grab onto Minho's jacket before Minho flew threw the window and disappeared. 

Jisung looked at the jacket and he rolled his eyes before throwing it on the ground and going back to his 'lover'. Meanwhile on the other side of the window, Minho was curled up in a bush, glass stabbed into his face and body, his hair now covered in twigs and leaves. 

But that physical pain wasn't anything compared to the pain he felt in his chest. How could Jisung do this to him? And Jisung called whoever that was 'baby'. But that name was only reserved for Minho. And Minho only. Also what did he mean by 'your moans are only for me to listen to.'? Has Jisung heard him moaning before? 

A million questions swarmed in his head and Minho remained in the bush for a couple of minutes, sobbing his heart out before sitting up. He pulled the glass shards out of his face and his body had already gone numb from the pain. It was lucky that this cafe didn't have any floors and so, he didn't get hurt that bad.

Minho had his phone, the keys and his wallet in his jacket pockets but now Jisung had his jacket and he didn't have anything on him. He had no where to go. Minho wanted to go to the hospital but he didn't have money to pay for the bill. Minho wanted to go back to Jisung's place but.. He didn't have the keys. It was too late now to go find Jisung's parents and Minho stood outside the cafe, feeling lost both internally and externally.

My parents house..? No. I can't go back to that hell. I can't face those two again. Then where do I go..? Jaeyul always keeps a spare key under the flower pot on the left of his apartment. Or under the mat. He's arrested right? There won't be anyone in that apartment anymore.. Yeah. Even if there is.. It's my only option.



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