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Minho's eyes widened and he looked at Chan staring at him with concern. He quickly looked at his own wrists and saw that there were really bad red marks on them and a few bruises down his arm. His heart sank realising that Chan probably figured out what really happened but again, he didn't have any proof.

"No, nothing happened. I'm alright." Minho replied softly as he forced a weak smile.

"Are you sure? It doesn't look like nothing happened. Those bruises are fresh, they're not old ones." Chan furrowed his brows and pointed at Minho's arm.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm alright, Chan." Minho nodded firmly. Chan obviously knew it was a lie and he went outside to talk about it with Jisung as well.

Eventually after the two decided that Minho was well enough to leave, the three exited the hospital and they stood outside for awhile. Minho sighed and he thanked the two for helping them before walking towards the direction of his apartment. Chan immediately grabbed his wrists and pulled him back.

"Minho don't tell me you're going back to that shithole with that bastard. Do you have absolutely no self respect? Look how much he hurt you! This isn't even the first fucking time! Plus didn't you say he broke up with you? And you're still gonna go back to him?" Chan scolded.

Only then did Minho remember that Jaeyul had broken up with him. He lower his head and he frowned knowing that he had no where to go for the night.

"Minho please, come live at my place for awhile. At least for a few days until you get back on your feet." Chan shook his head as he rubbed his forehead.

"But won't your family mind?" Minho asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh right.. Fuck." Chan groaned as he realised that his parents probably won't be that fond of Chan randomly inviting a friend over to live for a few days. Plus, they didn't have any rooms that Minho could stay in.

"He could live at my place? I don't live with my parents and my brother's still back in Malaysia." Jisung piped up. Minho's face flushed red at the thought of sharing a same apartment with Jisung and he fiddled with his sleeves as he looked down at the ground again.

"Oh, that'd be great. Please Minho, this is for your sake." Chan flashed a warm smile at Jisung before turning back to Minho.

"I don't want to be a bother or anything.." Minho mumbled quietly as he tilted his head up slightly so he could see Chan and Jisung.

"Oh no no, it's not a bother. In fact, I'd love you to. And you get to take care of Bbama while I work too!" Jisung cheered and he patted Minho's shoulders. After a few minutes of debating, Minho found himself going home with Jisung. It was pretty strange.. The two have known each other for over two months and not once has Minho gone to Jisung's place.

The moment they opened the door, Minho saw Jisung's apartment literally trashed. There was trash everywhere on the floor, the dishes were undone, clothes hung from chairs and the couch and even more. Jisung had forgotten how messy he was and he got extremely flustered seeing that this had to be the first impression that he left on Minho.

He had handed Bbama to his parents to take care of for the weekends so at least he didn't have to worry about his dog. Minho was surprised seeing the mess as his apartment had always been spotless since Jaeyul always made him clean.

"A-ah! I completely forgot to clean up.. I'm so sorry, you can sit there while I tidy this mess.." Jisung immediately washed his hands and got to work. 

"I could help if you want?" Minho chuckled and he went over to Jisung.

"No, you've gone through way too much today. Sit there and rest or go through your phone or whatever, I'll tidy up as quick as I can." Jisung shook his head, refusing to let Minho help him.

Jisung was just folding the clothes and putting them back when he heard soft snores from behind him. He turned around and he saw that Minho had dozed off to sleep and Jisung froze in place, watching him.

His eyes scanned Minho. Minho seemed so frail.. So skinny yet delicate. Jisung looked at his pale body and he couldn't help but feel his face burn. Jisung had liked Minho since the first day Minho started going to the cafe and now that Minho was literally living with him, Jisung was overjoyed.

Ah he's so cute.. I want to just squish him and like.. Jisung balled his fists up and did some movements with his hands in the air as if he was crumpling up a piece of paper. After another minute of staring, Jisung shook his head and got back to work. His face was still tinted red and he wiped his forehead with a tissue after he finished.

Jisung turned back to Minho. He was still asleep and Jisung wasn't sure what to do. Only then did he realise that he had a little bit of a problem. Jisung's house only had one room and there was only one bed. 

Best friends sleep with each other.. right? I mean, Felix and Hyunjin comes over all the time but.. We just get drunk and knock ourselves out and we end up sleeping on the floor. But we never slept together either. What do I do with him? I do have spare blankets.. I guess I'll just sleep on the couch.

Jisung picked Minho up as if he was a fragile doll, careful with his every movement as he cradled Minho in his arms. He gently set him on the bed before pulling the blankets over the boy and for some reason, he decided to give Minho a soft peck on the forehead.

When Jisung left the room, Minho opened his eyes a slit so he could see Jisung. He had woken up after Jisung picked him up but he didn't want to ruin the mood so he kept his eyes shut. Minho rolled over on the bed and smiled from ear to ear as he snuggled in the blankets.

He kissed my forehead.. Minho thought to himself as his face flushed red. Minho shut his eyes again and went off to sleep with a rather content heart.


stop this is so cute im sobbing me and who when 😭😭

Hourglass. // MinsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora