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Minho shivered in his shirt as the frigid wind blew harshly into his face. Everyone he passed by on the streets pointed at him and whispered as he was the only one in short sleeves and of course, he was bloody and messy. Minho lowered his head out of humiliation and he picked up his speed to the apartment and after 20 minutes of walking, Minho arrived.

Ah.. this building. Minho looked up at it and it seemed like it literally grew in size as it towered over Minho. He took the elevator up and sure enough, there was a key under the flower pot on the left. Minho used the key to unlock the apartment and he stepped inside before turning the lights on.

Sure enough, no one was there. Minho sat down on the couch he had always seen Jaeyul on and he looked at the table. What confused Minho was that everything was so spotless and so clean.. Like how he would have left it everyday. But this apartment hadn't been touched after Jaeyul got arrested.. So who came in here to clean everything up?

It didn't matter right now. Minho's mind was occupied by other things. He went into his old room and grabbed a blanket before returning to the sofa and laying down. Minho pulled the blankets over his head and he burst into tears, letting all the pain out. He cried and cried.. But it didn't seem to help. At all.

Just then, the door creaked open and Minho's head shot up. He was definitely not expecting to see who it was. Kim Seungmin. Seungmin was Jisung's friend and Minho had seen him around when all eight of them would go out but the two weren't extremely close like Minho was with Felix and Hyunjin.


"Minho??" The two asked in unison.

"Jesus fucking christ you look like you just got beaten to a pulp, man! The fuck? And what are you doing at this bitch's apartment?" Seungmin furrowed his brows as he shut the door behind him and stepped into the apartment.

"I could be asking you that too.. What are you doing here?" Minho also wiped his tears with his arms before looking at Seungmin. Well, tried to look at. His eyes had swelled up slightly from how much he'd been crying and he could barely see.

"You know I used to be friends with this bastard. I visited him after he got sent to jail and he told me since he didn't have any family or friends or in fact anyone he was especially close with other than you and I, he gave me the keys to his place." Seungmin explained as he looked around. "And I come by once and then because it's definitely better than my place.. But then, the fuck are you doing here? And holy shit are you okay?"

"Oh.. And yeah, I'm fine." Minho sighed before he blew his nose into a tissue.

"Yeah, my ass. Wait, I'm sure they had a medkit here somewhere, give me a second." Seungmin stood up and he went through the cupboards and drawers. After awhile, he dug up a med kit and he took a few cotton swabs before dipping them in some alcohol.

"Do you want me to do it or can you do it yourself? Actually no stupid question, you can't even see where your wounds and cuts are." Seungmin asked and he quickly shook his head before gently dabbing the swab on the wounds on Minho's face that was caused my the shattering glass.

Minho hissed from the pain but he endured it until Seungmin was done disinfecting his injuries. He took a few bandaids before smacking them onto Minho's face and he couldn't help but laugh as the amount of bandages made Minho look like a mummy.

"Why're you being so nice?" Minho managed to ask after he thought for a moment about what to say.

"Well for starters if Jisung found out and realised that I didn't help you, he'd probably bite.." Seungmin started. He noticed the change in Minho's expression the moment he said Jisung's name.

"He wouldn't.." Minho whispered weakly hoping that Seungmin wouldn't hear.

"I heard that. What happened between you two? Don't tell me he was the one who did this to you.." Seungmin scrunched his face up as he eyed Minho up and down.

"No, he didn't. Continue please. Sorry for interrupting." Minho shook his head.

"Secondly, I'm just being a human. You look fucked and I just gotta help you out, y'know? It's not like I'm that heartless." Seungmin shrugged.

"Oh.. Thanks."

"Don't thank me. Now spill, the fuck happened between you and Jisung?"

"He.. Fuck, no I can't." Minho shook his head again and he started trembling. Just thinking about it shattered his heart and he buried his head in his hands as Seungmin looked at him, concern and confusion written all over his face.

"He had an argument with you? Hurt you? Cheated on you?" Seungmin asked and seeing that Minho started crying when he said the last one, he figured that Jisung did in fact cheat on Minho.

"H-he went to some party and said he'd be finished by 10 b-but it was 10:25 and he still d-didn't come out so I went in to try f-find him.. Didn't see him anywhere s-so I just went to use the bathroom and he came in with someone and t-they were.." Minho's voice trailed off and he winced as he recalled what had happened.

"That's fucked up.. Jisung though? He's literally down bad for you though. He's loved you ever since that first day you started going to the cafe.. No way he went around fucking other people. Was he drunk? He definitely wouldn't do that to you if he was in the right state of mind." Seungmin sat there, unsure of what to do with the crying Minho.

"Y-yeah.. That's what I thought too but he kept calling that person lovey dovey names a-and he sounded s-so mad that I was there.. I don't know. But it hurts.. It hurts so much to see him with someone else." Minho balled his hands into fists as he steadied his breathing.

"Maybe he got drugged or just really drunk and thought whoever that was was actually you. That's the best explanation I've got unless Jisung's really just a dick." Seungmin sighed after a few seconds of silence. "Well, that still doesn't explain why you're here."

"He got my jacket which had my phone, keys, wallet.. Y'know. I had to get away from there but they were blocking the door so I just jumped out the window.. And he managed to grab my jacket. I barely got away." 

"Ah, understandable. But you sure you wanna stay here? Doesn't this place give you bad memories?"

"Yeah.. It does."

"Do you wanna come over to my place for the night? I left something here last time I came over so I just popped over to grab it. And we definitely need a trip to the hospital.."

"I don't have any money on me though.."

"It's fine. I'll pay and you can pay me back whenever you're ready, don't really care."

"Oh.. Okay. Thanks. A lot." 

"No problem, let's go."


im suddenly in love with seungmo 


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