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The two were in the hospital lobby and Seungmin just paid for Minho's treatment. Minho stayed in the back, fiddling with his fingers as he stared at the ground.

"Now that you're fixed up, let's get going to my place. You hungry? Wanna grab a late night snack or some shit?" Seungmin stretched as he and Minho walked out the hospital. "And don't worry bout' the money, you're literally homeless and resourceless right now so I'm just helping you out for the meantime until you get back on your feet."

"Oh no, I already had dinner. It's fine. And thanks, really. I appreciate it." Minho smiled weakly at Seungmin before looking down again.

"Man.. I'll talk to Chan and the rest of the gang about this. You're literally.. Yeah, no. Might get Chan to confront Jisung too. Well, my place is pretty small.. I do have bunkbeds which is nice though. Used to share with my sister before she moved out. Hope you don't mind.."

"No no, it's fine, I'm alright with anything. And you don't have to drag Chan into this.. I'd rather keep it between me and Jisung. I'll talk to him tomorrow.. I guess."

"Yeah, right. If you've been putting up with Jaeyul's bullshit for three years and didn't say a single word after all he's done to you, are you really gonna talk to Jisung?"

"..Yeah. I will."


The two walked in silence until they got to Seungmin's apartment. Minho got in and cleaned himself up as Seungmin grabbed a snack from the cupboard. It was rather awkward since the two weren't particularly friends but they knew they'd definitely get a lot closer after this incident.

When they went to sleep, Minho couldn't get a wink of sleep. Seungmin had dozed off and Minho didn't want to bother him so he just laid there, thinking about what Jisung would be doing right now. Would he have gotten back home? Well it is like 1 am now.. What would he do after seeing that I wasn't home? And what even happened back there? Did he really just get that drunk?

The next morning came and Minho was still exhausted. Seungmin took Minho out for some breakfast and under Minho's insistence, Minho returned to Jisung. Seungmin told Chan about it anyway even though Minho told him not to.

"Baby? Fuck! I thought I fucking lost you! Where'd you go last night?! I was so fucking worried I even filed a missing person report.. Oh god I was scared shitless.. And what happened to you?! You look beaten! Did someone hurt you? My god, come in first and change your clothes.." Jisung opened the door and he pulled Minho into a hug as soon as he saw that it was Minho standing outside the door. 

He knew that something was wrong seeing that Minho didn't return the hug but he let Minho in anyways. The two sat down in the living room and they looked at each other in silence. After awhile, Minho finally decided to speak up.

"Sung, you didn't come home at 10 yesterday."

"Yeah, I'm so sorry.. I got drunk and went with another co worker to their place. My head was gonna burst.. But I woke up at like 1 in the morning and I made my way back here. But you weren't there and I started shitting myself.."

"Went with a co worker to their place..? Why are you lying?"

Jisung flinched and a sweat drop formed on his face. Minho looked at him dead in the eyes and Jisung gulped from nervousness as he had never seen Minho like this before.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh.. I thought you really just got drunk or got drugged. But now you're lying to me.. Are you fucking with me, Jisung? Do you think I'm some toy that you can just play with? You made out with someone else yesterday night at the party. I was fucking there. I was the one in that stall and I was the one that jumped out that window. You even had my jacket.. Couldn't you recognise it? And my phone.. Everything was in there. Do you know how lost I felt?" 

"What were you doing in there..? And that explains the injuries then.. My god, your face.." Jisung's eyes widened and he frowned as he approached Minho before tracing his fingers on the bandages. Much to his surprise, Minho got up and swatted his arm away. His eyes were filled with pure rage and hatred.

"So you were conscious! You remembered it happening! What the fuck were you doing?! Why were you calling someone else 'baby'!? A-And you were making out with them! What about me..? I never mattered to you, did I?" Minho yelled as he started crying again. His body was trembling and Jisung furrowed his brows as he stood up as well.

"I do but I was really drunk I swear! And he was desperate too.. Plus after I got into it, I just thought that he was you and-"

"I don't want to hear your fucked up excuses! If that really was the case then why'd you lie to me about saying that you went over to a co workers place? You would've come clean if you knew what happened and if you had nothing to hide!"

"I just didn't want you to worry too much.. Please Minho, I know I shouldn't have drank so much alcohol and I know I should've just left earlier.. It's my fault. I'm sorry.."

"You.. You're just like Jaeyul."



"I went over to Jaeyul's place last night since I had no where else to go because you took my jacket." Minho started, he was losing himself already and he smirked, wanting to make Jisung feel used as well since Jisung had used him. He smiled even wider seeing that all the blood had already been drained from Jisung's face the moment he said that.

"And he somehow escaped and was sitting there, perfectly fine and untouched. And guess what! Since you hurt me so much and I was crying my ass off, Jaeyul decided to help me get rid of the pain. And you know what happened. We fucked! Ohh.. It felt so fucking good. With him. I remember that feeling so well."

"..No. No you didn't. He didn't escape. And you did not have sex with that bastard." Jisung looked down, veins popping on his neck and arms.

"Yeah, you bet I did! You want me to describe it more? He kissed my body, held me by the waist as he pooooounded away into me. But there was no pain, just satisfaction. Better than you could ever ever do. And oh we went on the entire night until the sun rose! That's why I look so fucked. Because it's true. I was fucked."

"No. You weren't. You weren't fucked! He didn't touch you or do shit to you and you didn't go along with it!" Jisung was also obviously mad now and Minho laughed seeing that he got what he wanted. 

"I did. And y'know what? I'm going back and doing it again. I'm packing my shit and leaving."

"W-what? Back to him? No you aren't-"

"Yes, I am. It's over, Han."


yeah im going to sleep now bye <33


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