"Trying to chat Alya up, are we Georgie?" chuckled Fred.

"Why, afraid she'll realise I'm the better looking twin?" laughed George.

"Actually, no offence George, but you're wrong there," smiled Alya.

"I'm offended!" gasped George, clutching his chest playfully.

"Obviously you're gorgeous, but Freddie's better in my opinion," she said.

"Fine, I'll take it," said George. "But only because I like you. If you were an asshole you'd be getting the worst of my pranks for saying that," he laughed.

"Are you sure? Because personally, I think I'm a bit of an asshole," laughed Alya. She noticed that Fred was smiling at her in adoration as he started to set up for the lesson. George laughed at her and shook his head playfully as he turned back around to get started on his task.

"Do you really think I'm better looking than George?" whispered Fred.

"Of course, I kissed you at the parties didn't I?" chuckled Alya. "If I thought George was better looking I'd have kissed him instead,"

"Well... I guess so," smiled Fred. "It's just that most people have always said that George is the best looking. That is, until they meet our brother Bill and then he's suddenly the best looking man they've ever seen,"

"Well I'm not like that," smiled Alya. "You know I think you're gorgeous, and now you know I think you're better looking than George, and you're probably better looking than Bill, too,"

"I highly doubt that, you'll meet him in a few days anyway," said Fred, his voice trailing off and looking nervous again.

"Freddie, you have nothing to be worried about," smiled Alya. "Nothing is going to change my opinion of you, I promise. I like you for you, nothing else matters,"

He looked up at her in shock, but smiled at her and admired her silently before they both got started with their task. They chatted amongst themselves while completing their lesson, until it ended. Alya said goodbye to Fred and George and went over to her slytherin friends. They had no more lessons for the rest of the day, so they decided to go and sit in their common room.

They sat on their usual sofas, Alya was laying on Mattheo and he had his arm around her, while Draco was spread across Alya and she had her arm resting on his shoulders. Tom, Theo, Pansy and Blaise were spread out across the other sofa and the armchair and they were talking amongst themselves for a while.

"I'm gonna miss this!" said Alya, as she looked around at her friends.

"I'm gonna bloody miss you," said Mattheo, kissing her forehead.

"Same," said Draco, holding her hand that was resting on his shoulder.

"I know, but it's not for long," smiled Alya. "We'll be back here before you know it,"

"I'd rather just stay here with you," said Draco.

"I know, but we can't Dray," chuckled Alya.

"Why not? We could all just stay here for the holiday!" said Draco.

"Yeah, I'm down," said Mattheo.

"We can't, you guys need to go home," chuckled Alya. "Plus, I already promised the Weasley's weeks ago that I'd stay with them for Christmas, I can't cancel on them now,"

"Wait, you're going to stay with the Weasley's?!" said Blaise.

"I thought I told you guys this?" chuckled Alya.

"No, you definitely didn't," said Mattheo.

"Those gits!" said Draco. "They get to spend another two weeks with you and we've gotta wait until after bloody Christmas,"

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