The Quidditch Match

Start from the beginning

"Oh, shut up," chuckled Mattheo, walking back to his seat. Tom was up next.

"Mattheo was right, Alya. The potion does smell an awful lot like you," said Tom. Pansy laughed at him and looked at Alya.

"We all knew you fancied her, too, Tom," laughed Pansy. Tom blushed and shot her a death stare. Alya giggled and smiled at him. Pansy was next to smell the potion.

"Yep, smells like you, Alya," chuckled Pansy.

"Merlin's beard, Miss Snape-Cortez! Everyone's attracted to you at this rate!" laughed Slughorn. "The question is, what do you smell?"

"Oh god..." said Alya, as she walked over to the potion. She took a long whiff of it and could smell a whole bunch of different things.

"I smell vanilla, cigarettes, green apples, a strong and very familiar cologne, fireworks and...cinnamon?" said Alya. "Oh no,"

"Well... that's a lot," said Slughorn, confused.

"Yep... and I know exactly who they belong to," said Alya, as she walked back to her seat. Mattheo and Draco were both staring at her but she avoided eye contact with each of them. They were told that they had to work in groups of three again, but this time Slughorn chose the groups. He had Mattheo work with Alya and Pansy to make their own version of amortentia. Mattheo walked over to Alya and Pansy's desk.

"I'll go get the ingredients, guys," said Pansy, as she walked to the front of the class.

"So, you smelt vanilla and cigarettes in your amortentia?" said Mattheo. "Sounds a lot like me, don't you think?" he joked.

"And you smelt me in yours, so shush," laughed Alya.

"I know, it makes sense though," said Mattheo.

"Well, yes. I'd say it does, on both parts. Considering what happened in the linen closet at the party, and the fact that you kissed me in my dorm," winked Alya.

"Shut up, you!" chuckled Mattheo.

"You still haven't told me why you did that," said Alya.

"I just... wanted to," said Mattheo.

"Wanted to what?" asked Pansy, as she'd returned with the ingredients for the potion.

"Just... nothing," said Mattheo.

The 3 of them carried on making their potion until the end of the lesson. Once they had finished, Slughorn came over to test it and gave them full marks. The bell rang for the end of the lesson and Alya and her friends went to their common room before heading to lunch.

They didn't have any more lessons for the rest of the day, so after lunch, they all went to the quidditch pitch so that the boys could practise before the match. As usual, Alya,Pansy and Tom went to sit in the seats around the stadium together and spoke.

"So guys, I have some stuff to tell you!" said Alya, once the 3 of them had sat down. "But again, you need to promise me that you won't repeat it,"

"We promise," said Pansy.

"Of course," said Tom.

"Well for a start, Draco told me that he's in love with me," she said.

"HE WHAT?!" shouted Pansy.

"SHHHHHH Pans!" said Alya.

"Sorry I just... Draco is in love?" whispered Pansy. "I bloody told you, didn't I?!"

"Yes, you did," laughed Alya.

"Well what did you say?" asked Tom.

"I told him that I'm falling for him but there's also someone else... although now i think there may be 2 someone else's,"said Alya, putting her head in her hand.

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