"Whatever," said Draco, without making eye contact.

"Tom, well Tom's never had a crush in his life until you came along, then he kissed you." continued Pansy. "Even for a dare, Tom doesn't do affection or touch. He never has. Oh, and he let you hug him after like 2 days of knowing you. He's never hugged anyone in his life, he hates it! And as for Theo... well, everyone knows that Theo can fall hopelessly in love after one conversation, it's happened before!"

"Fuck you, pans," laughed Theo.

"Then the only person left that i can think of is Weasley, who you kissed at the party, did 10 minutes in heaven with AND spent time alone studying with him!" said Pansy. "If that's really all you did! But it's obvious that he hasn't been able to take his eyes off of you either! Plus you were sitting next to him in divination, that could be what Trelawney meant when she said 'closer than you think.' AND you mentioned that he freaked out when you told him about the legilimency. There's your 5."

"Wow, pans," said Alya, looking stunned. "You've put a lot of thought into that, haven't you!"

"I feel like I would be a really good detective," laughed Pansy.

"Steady on, you don't even know if any of that is right yet!" laughed Alya. "Anything to say, boys?" they all looked up at her in silence for a minute.

"Looks like Trelawney isn't the only nutcase around here," said Mattheo. The other boys nodded and chuckled lightly.

"See, Pans," said Alya. "I told you it was rubbish. I need to go and get out of these robes, they're pissing me off. Back in a sec," she said, as she went up the stairs to her dorm.

Alya took off her robe, tie and shirt and went to her trunk to get out something to wear whilst thinking to herself, *What a bloody day! Pansy doesn't seriously believe that all of our friends, except herself and Blaise, are in love with me, does she? There's just no way! Especially not Mattheo or Draco. Surely I'd have some idea if either of them were, right?* Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. She went to open it, and it was Mattheo,

"Hey Aly- HOLY MERLIN" he said, eyes glued to Alya's chest. Alya giggled and pulled him into the dorm.

"You okay?" she said to him, as he stood with his mouth open.

"I... am now," he laughed.

"Oh shut up," she smirked, finding a top from her trunk and putting it on, before removing her uniform skirt to change into a pair of shorts that she had got out.

"I just wanted to come and see you," said Mattheo.

"Mattheo, i've been up here for less than 2 minutes," Alya said.

"I know... I meant - I don't know what I meant," said Mattheo.

"You know you can talk to me, right? About anything?" said Alya, walking over to him.

"I know, I just... I don't do this stuff," he said.

"What stuff?" asked Alya, confused.

"Just... feelings stuff. Like talking about feelings and... stuff," he said.

"Well, there's no rush. You don't have to tell me anything but just know that I'm here if you want to," she smiled, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and closed his eyes for a second. She kissed his cheek as she pulled away, and Mattheo grabbed hold of her hands, gently. He looked into her eyes and felt like he could melt. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her on the lips, moving his hands up to her cheeks. He kissed her for a few seconds before pulling away.

"I'm sorry..." he said, looking down.

"What was that?" said Alya.

"I- I don't know," he said, putting his head in his hands.

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