That tends to happen.

A lot.

A lot more then you'd think.

The twins tried to climb onto Sun's back and Sun said pulling them back "no no, not right now-" to late, the twins climbed onto his back and got cozy, from their behavior Sun guessed they had been running around playing in the toy house or something, totally no clues to that from the fact the barrels were thrown everywhere.

I can't keep them alone for long can I? Sun tried to take the twins off his back but they were not budging, at all. For such a tiny robot, they are very strong. He knew he needed to get down back to the kids soon or the staff will start to notice his absence. Sun did a quick scan on BloodMoon and saw that he had, in the the span to two hours which isn't much considering it was supposed to last four hours, drained their battery to 10%.

The two of them are probably looking to have a nap on Sun's back, and it looks like Sun won't be able to get them off from how RIDICULOUSLY strong they are. Sun understood they were made to kill and what not, but they did not need to be this strong! Sun groaned, here goes nothing...

"Okay kiddo's, I'ma jump down, okay?" Sun said to the two twins, they clutched him tighter and gulped. Sun knew they did not like heights, so he patted their head and after checking to make sure he didn't land on a kiddo jumped into the ball pit while holding the twins close to him. He felt the twins clutch him and BloodLust grumbled when they landed "why don't we have some other way down?" Sun realized that that was a very good question, why don't we have stairs now?

The kids instantly swarmed me and the twins and the twins looked at them curiously but made no move to touch them, either it was because he was at 10%, he was for once listening to me, or both. "Who's that?" a kids asked pointing at BloodMoon as he snuggled into Sun's neck ruffles "that is BloodMoon and BloodLust" Sun said to the curious girl. 

"He's cool!" a boy said and tried to touch BloodMoon, BloodMoon surprisingly did not like it, he (very annoyingly) curled around my neck, way out of the kids arm reach. It affected Sun's sight a bit, but not much. 

Sun was quite surprised that the twins didn't want to be touched by the kiddos, maybe it's because I told him not to touch them, or it's because simply he doesn't want to be touched by them. Sun really didn't blame them, the kids are gross. He caught a little boy pick his nose and eat it, ew...

Sun wouldn't be surprised if the twins germ sensors, if they had one, were going off and it made them naturally not wanna touch the kiddos. The kids kept trying to reach for the twins and Sun said "okay okay, our new friend doesn't want to be touched at the moment" Sun pushed them away gently.

A boy pouted "why not? I wanna play with them!" Sun said "you can play with them later, okay?" the kids all groaned and the twins watched them curiously from around Sun's neck. The kids split up to go back to their games and Sun walked to the front desk and rummaged through the some stuff, the twins watched silently, and drifted to sleep.

It was very adorable, Sun knew he was quickly getting attached to these two, for the best since these two are now my responsibility because of a certain SOMEONE. That's right, a week later and Sun is still mad about that. He wished Moon would put his science away for five seconds and help him with stuff!

Sun checked the time and saw it was story time, he rounded all the kids up in front of him and said "we will all sit criss cross apple sauce!" the kids all gathered in front of him and sat down and Sun said "well, today we'll be reading a story called the Lonely Raven" Sun said in cheerful voice and the kids all went "oooh!" the Lonely Raven was a story Sun had found in the kids shelf so it should be fine.

Sun turned to the first page and began to read to the kiddos.

"The Lonely Raven was very lonely cause he had no friends, he saw a little frog nearby and said 'why Mr Frog! What have you been up to on this fine day?' Mr frog looked up, his large wobbly tummy wobbling as he moved 'oh, I've been feeding on the mosquitoes that stay near this wonderful swamp!' Lonely Raven nodded, but the chat only lasted a while and he flew off and met up with a ladybug, 'why Ms Ladybug! What have you been up to on this fine day?' the lady bug replied cheerfully 'nothing much just basking in the sun!' but once again the chat only lasted a while and he flew off and saw something odd, a bird that looked like him! He flew up and the two of them chatted together and quickly very quickly became close friends and they flew up in the sky and sang a wonderful song, the end!"

The kids cheered and clapped, and Sun felt the twins stir slightly but quickly stopped their stirring. Sun did a quick count of the kids, oh, only five left. Sun checked the time, frick it's near closing time! He checked the kids passes, okay, three of them have the night pass, the other two should be leaving soon.

Sun got up and said "okay kiddo's, it's near closing time, you know what time it is?" and the kids cheered "clean up time!" and Sun pats their heads "thats right! Lets sing the clean up song!" and so they sang the clean up song and the kids did a bit of cleaning, Sun was glad he thought of this cause it's a tiny bit less work for him. While cleaning he saw something odd, near the bridge were deep claw marks in the colored foam.

How did I not notice this? He wondered looking at it closely, then he looked at the twins claws. Well, these two were clearly up to no good. Sun wondered if it was connected to the damaged barrel, most likely, he was pretty sure only the twins claws could break that barrel like that.

Yet another example of Moon needing to get the FRICK out of his room! Sun grumbles and a kid pulled at his pants he turned and saw little Ausha standing there with wide bright eyes and dark brown skin and braided dark hair "Sunny! I wanna play tag!" Sun was about to say 'okay! I'm it!' but Ausha's parents arrived to pick her up and Sun said "aww, sorry friend but you parents are here!" Ausha pouted "aww" and Sun picked her up gently and walked over to the waiting parents.

"Hope to see you again soon friend!" Sun yelled waving at the leaving family.

It was closing time, and the last kid was still not picked up, Sun played with them not really very concerned, this happens sometimes. He entertained the kid for another hour and was about to call the parents when he sensed that they were here, he let out a relieved sigh and picked up the kiddo "friend your mommy and daddy are here!" Sun said, he hid how tired he is. He was pretty tired and needed a break.

He still had the twins napping on his neck as he gave the kid to her parents, he realized then that none of the parents had even questioned the twins existence, for the best I guess. 

"Bye friend!" he  cheered waving good bye to the kid who waved back cutely, Sun rubs his eyes and looked at the three remaining kids, they were now Moon's problem. He called Moon down who grunted and began to entertain the kids and walked the annoyingly long walk to the teleportor and teleported his way to the balcony. 

He watched Moon for a sec and slumped on the couch pretty much exhausted, the kiddos were a lot more active today than usual. Jumped around, heck one tried to climb the play structure, wait no two climbed the play structure, but one managed to get to the roof and Sun had to climb the slide and get the kiddo down, who was crying because of how high they were.

Today was a long day... Sun put the twins on his lap and grumbled. He might as well take a break while he can, he's only got a couple of hours until the next round of kids comes in. Sure Sun loved the kids, but he was very tired today. He laid on the couch, I should try and nap and charge myself, that'll make me feel so much better.

Sun closed his eyes and shut himself off, he really needed to charge.

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