"Miss Potter!" Healer Becker snapped Rose out of her daydream, her crimson eyes changing into the lifeless grey she was becoming accustomed to. "Did you hear anything I have just said?"

"Beg your pardon, Healer Becker," Rose shook her head, clearing her throat as she straightened her dress. "What were you saying?"

Healer Becker seemed about to hex Rose for not listening, but she quickly looked down her files before speaking, "I said you will be asked to testify for the Aurors sooner rather than later; if you continue to refuse to go to the mind healer, when the Aurors demand answers your mind will not be capable of giving them at all."

"I won't be testifying," Rose scoffed, rolling her eyes at the Healer as she started to stand and pull her robe up her shoulders, wincing slightly as her head pounded again. "We both know who was responsible for Ced – his death. And we both know the Ministry won't help for shit; they've been proving as much in the papers after Harry spoke against You-Know-Who."

"Miss Potter-"

"I am going to have to ask you to never bring this up again," Rose insisted sternly, glaring at the Healer harshly before plastering a fake smile on her lips. "I will not be speaking to the Aurors any time soon, and neither will you, understood?"

"Perfectly," Healer Becker nodded, her bottom lip between her teeth as Rose turned on her heel and walked out of the examination room with the bag of potions on her arm. She fled to the lifts and rushed to push the button that would take her to the lobby.

Once she was there, she made a bee-line to the boy sitting in one of the chairs at the waiting area; his hair messed up just the right way and his jawline set tight with a copy of the Daily Prophet in his fingers. As soon as he heard her approaching, Adrian Pucey put down his newspaper and gazed up at her carefully.

"How'd it go?" he wondered, standing next to her as they walked towards the exit of the horrid hospital. "Did you get the refill for the potions?"

"Would've gone better if you were there," Rose admitted, even if she was the one who had insisted she could do it on her own. "Healer Becker reckons I will need to talk to the Aurors. And yes, I got the refills."

"Are you going to? Talk to the Aurors, I mean."

"No," she answered instantly, her gray eyes turning red for a single fleeting second. "They won't believe my story; they'll think I've gone off it since the maze, just like Harry."

"Have you talked to Harry since the maze?" Adrian wondered as they walked up to a dark alley where they would apparate.

"No," Rose said, her stormy grey eyes only going darker before she peered around the alley to make sure no one was around. "Shall we?"


"I don't want to talk about it, Adrian," Rose insisted, a glare starting to form in her eyes. "It'll only make me upset." 

"Fine," Adrian sighed, gripping her arm and waiting for her to nod before he dissaparated them. She felt the familiar and dreaded sensation of dissaparation before she was twirled out of existence and appeared over the cobbled stone of Hogsmeade.

She grasped her throat as she let go of Adrian's arm quickly, her stomach was turning, and she was sure she would be sick at any given moment.

"Here," Adrian said, holding a vial of a green liquid which Rose knew was a potion to make her senses re-adjust and the nausea to go away. She drank it quickly and send him a thankful smile before clearing her throat.

"We should go," Rose suggested, dusting off her summer dress and making sure the glamour she had Amara cast in the morning was still in place over her bare arms. "We don't want to be late for the ceremony."

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now