The Astronomy Tower

Start from the beginning

"That's fine, sis. It's your choice." said Hermione. "Maybe think about writing to mum and dad soon though? They're dying to hear from you and I think you should tell them at least."

"I will, I'll do it tonight," said Alya. "Oh, and this is a big thing to keep to yourself, so feel free to tell your friends if you want. I highly doubt it's going to be a secret for long anyway once my name is changed. The Ravenclaws already know that Snape is my father, thanks to Professor bloody Sprout."

"Oh, really? For goodness sake, can't have anything to yourself in this school!" said Hermione, clearly annoyed.

"It's fine, people already talk about me and stare as it is, it doesn't bother me" laughed Alya. "It's quite funny, actually"

"Only you would think that!" laughed Hermione. "Anyway, I'd better get back to my table. I really hope you're okay though and you know where I am if you need me."

"Thanks, sis. See you later," smiled Alya. As she turned back around to eat her food, Mattheo was staring at her.

"On a really shocking note, however" he smirked. "When were you going to tell us that you play the guitar? And more importantly, when are you going to play for us?"

"She doesn't play in front of people, ever" said Draco, smirking at Alya.

"Ooh, look who pays attention" giggled Alya.

"Wait... you knew?" said Pansy.

"Of course I did, we share a dorm, Pansy," laughed Draco.

"Oh yeah, lucky you" chuckled Blaise.

"Enough about me and the bloody guitar, alright!" laughed Alya, "But Draco is right, I really don't play in front of anyone. Hermione is the only one that's heard me, other than my best friend from primary school and it's going to stay that way"

"Whatever you say, ma'am" smirked Theo.

They all continued to laugh and joke with each other while eating their dinner, before heading back to the slytherin common room. They all sat down on the sofas in the common room, talking amongst themselves, when a boy from seventh year walked in.

"Hey, Granger. Is it true that Snape's your dad?" he shouted.

"That's not your business, but yes." said Alya, rolling her eyes.

"Then how did you turn out so bloody gorgeous with a dad who looks like that?" laughed the boy. Alya stood up and walked right over to the boy, and put her head right in front of his face. Mattheo, Draco and the others automatically got up and  followed right behind her.

"Say one more word about my father, I dare you" said Alya angrily.

"It was meant to be a compliment, you idiot. Chill the fuck out!" shouted the boy. 

"Ooh, bad move." laughed Alya, as Draco appeared from behind her, picking him up by his collar. He punched the boy extremely hard in the face, knocking him onto the floor and giving him what looked like a broken nose.

"You ever talk to her like that again, and I will break every bone in your body. Got it?" he shouted, before Mattheo, Theo, Blaise, Tom and all took it in turns to bunch the boy in the face.

"Y-you lot are b-bloody psychos!! Psychos, I'm telling you!" he cried, crawling out of the common room.

"Nah, we just protect the people we love," smiled Alya. "You boys are going to be the death of me, you know that?"

"Come on now love, you should know by now that no one talks to you or treats you in a way we don't approve of," said Mattheo. "You've seen it enough times," 

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