The Morning After

Start from the beginning

"Well... I know this is going to be a shock but... I am your father, Alya" said Snape. Alya just stood there with an extremely shocked expression on her face, staring at Snape for a few seconds.

"Y - you are?" gasped Alya. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," replied Snape. "You have a scar across your stomach, it may have faded now though,"

Alya was shocked. "H - how... Do you know that?" she stammered.

"Because I was there when you got it," said Snape, softly. 

Alya didn't know what to say, she had so many questions but was so overwhelmed at the same time.

"Look, you need to go and eat something," Snape said. "Due to you being late to my class, I get the impression you skipped breakfast this morning?"

"Oh... um yes, sorry about that." said Alya.

"I have a free hour this afternoon at 4pm. Meet me back here and I will answer any questions you might have," said Snape.

"Okay... i'll be here," said Alya. "See you at 4..." she said, turning around and rushing out of the door, lost in her own thoughts. 

*what on earth?! Pansy was right! I can't believe this, he must know how i got this scar! And who is my mother then? This is so crazy-*

"Alya?" said Draco.

 Alya had been so deep in thought that she had walked straight past him in the hallway. 

"You okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Oh... I'm sorry," she said. "Forgot you were there,"

"Charming," he laughed. "Seriously though, are you okay?"

"I - I think... I need to talk to my sister" said Alya. 

"Okay, let's go," replied Draco. 

They walked down to the great hall, where all the other students were eating lunch. When they entered the hall, Alya sat down and took a huge sip of her pumpkin juice.

" okay love?" asked Mattheo.

"I - um..." stammered Alya.

Just then, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Hermione stood behind her.

"Where were you at breakfast this morning!?" she asked. "I was bloody worried!"

"Oh I um... we overslept," she replied, glancing over at Draco.

"What the hell do you mean, we?!" shouted Hermione.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Me and Draco are sharing a dorm as there wasn't enough for me to have my own one," explained Alya. Hermione looked stunned.

"Better keep your hands to yourself, Malfoy" Hermione said, glaring at Draco.

"Sure thing..." he snickered, smirking at Alya. "As long as your sister does the same,"

"Shut it, you!" Alya giggled. "I um... I actually needed to talk to you guys" She explained what Snape had told her.

"You're joking!" said Tom.

"What the actual..." said Blaise.

"I knew it! I bloody knew it!" yelled Pansy.

"But... how do you know it's true?" asked Hermione, too stunned to say much else.

"He knows about my scar, Hermione," Alya explained. "He said he was there when I got it," Hermione gasped and clutched her hands over her mouth in shock.

"What scar?" said Theo.

"The one on your stomach?" asked Draco. "Oh shit..." 

 Everyone looked at Draco in confusion, and then looked at Alya.

"How the bloody hell does he know about your scar, Alya!?" shouted Hermione.

"I um..." said Alya, awkwardly. "For god sake, Malfoy!"

"I'm sorry!" blushed Draco. "I didn't think,"

"Wait a minute... did you two -" laughed Pansy. "Oh my god!"

Alya smirked at Draco. "Well, that's not relevant right now!" she laughed. "The point is, how would Snape know about my scar if he isn't my father? It's not exactly easy for anyone to see, unless I'm topless!"

"So you did sleep together?!" said Mattheo, glaring at Draco.

"Ally, really?!" said Hermione. "Please tell me you're joking!"

"Can you all just forget about me and Malfoy for one second and bloody listen to me!" Alya shouted. "This is important!"

"Right... sorry, darling" said Mattheo.

"Sorry sis, carry on." said Hermione. "So, what else did he say? Did he tell you who your mother is?"

"He just told me to meet him in his classroom at 4 and he'll explain everything..." said Alya. "I don't even know what to think. He seemed really cagey, like he was hiding something important."

"Oh, well whatever it is, I'm sure he'll tell you in time," said Hermione. "You need to remember that this is probably just as hard for him as it is for you. He must have had a good reason to give you up and not tell you anything,"

"Whatever it is, we're here for you, Alya," said Pansy, grabbing Alya's hand.

"Yeah, of course. It'll be okay, love," said Theo.

"Can't be worse than our background, ay, Mattheo?" said Tom.

"Want any of us to come with you when you go there later?" asked Draco, smiling at Alya.

"Yeah, moral support and all that" laughed Blaise, but Alya knew he was being serious.

"Thank you guys, you're all so sweet." smiled Alya. "I'll be okay though, he probably wouldn't want anyone else there, anyway,"

"Well, if you change your mind, let us know, okay? said Hermione. "I better get back, I'll see you later though. Let me know what happens, yeah?"

"Of course, love you," said Alya.

"Love you," said Hermione, as she walked back to the gryffindor table.

"Eat something please, i know you're in shock but you need to eat," said Draco, handing Alya a slice of pizza.

"Thank you, love," smiled Alya, taking it from him and taking a bite.

"So... can we talk about you two now?" asked Blaise.

"Fine. Yes, we slept together. Happy now?" said Alya, grinning at Blaise.

"You sly git, Malfoy!" Blaise said. "How the hell did you manage that!"

"Blaise... have you ever actually looked at Draco? I mean, who wouldn't? He's bloody gorgeous," smirked Alya. Draco rolled his eyes at Alya and blushed, with a big smile on his face.

"Oh my god, you two!" said Pansy. "Were you ever going to tell us!?"

"Maybe," smirked Alya.

"More importantly, can we see the scar?" said Mattheo, grinning at Alya.

"Fine, if you're so interested!" she said, standing up and unbuttoning her shirt to reveal the scar.

"Holy...fuck," said Mattheo. "I... wasn't expecting you to actually do that,"

"That's hot," said Blaise. Draco glared at him, and then looked back at Alya and smirked at her.

"I undid my shirt so you could look at my scar, Riddle, not my tits," laughed Alya.

"Well, you can't expect me not to look when you've just done that!" Mattheo laughed.

"Whatever" she giggled, doing her shirt back up. Tom and Theo were staring at her as she did this. "You two okay?" she asked.

"Yep..." coughed Tom

"Totally" said Theo, without breaking eye contact.

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