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They say a hero is someone that everyone looks up on

A hero will do everything for the sake of the people they protect

A hero is someone who's willing to give everything...sacrifice anyone just to protect the people

I was holding y/n's hand as we ran away from the hyde

We got to the group and then the hyde gets ahold of y/n. 'shit' i thought to myself "save them weds!"

I look at y/n who's trying to get out of the hyde's grip

I look at the group and clenched my fist.

The hyde tries to injur y/n but i act and threw a rock at it, grabbing irs attention

The group gets shock at my action and  backs away scared

"they said a hero would sacrifice anyone to save the people....too bad I'm not that kind of a hero. I will never sacrifice those who supported me in the first place for those who didn't even knew me before" i say and y/n smiles at me proudly

"that's the hero i am!" i say determinedly "very well..."y/n says and takes down the hyde as she regains her powers

I quickly run and hug her "you're a hero in your own way. Keep it like that" y/n says and kisses my forehead

Short but here you go

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