Wednesday x female reader(i'm here pt2)

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(8 days later)

Wednesday pov:

Thing tap to my desk "yes thing I'm sure. Now scram and get moving"i replied to his constant tapping. Yet he didn't leave "thing just go" he tap "no i'm not giving her that. I'm telling you to give it to her for a reason"i replied he tap again. "she's what?"

Reader pov:

"y/n i regretted saying that. Plus i only need to because of my friends. I like you y/n just accept my feelings please. I can treat you better"daisy beg as she insist on giving me some rose and chocolate. I was about to say something when daisy was push away from me. "i will not tolerate you having your way to y/n. You're only after her for the bet you and your stupid friends made" Wednesday interrupted she sounded furious "you don't have any proof that I'm after y/n because of a bet. Just leave us alone y/n doesn't need a friend like you. Y/n please make her leave. I wanted to speak to you and not this friend of yours who i don't think you should be hanging out with"

Wednesday pov:

I clenched my jaw as word by word said by daisy. I slap her hard "for the record i have proof that you're going to use y/n for the bet. And I'm her suitor. I'm not just a friend here, now say something i will dislike and i will bury you 6 feet to the ground. Go whine like a dog at someone else"i said coldly and drag y/n out of here. When we got to our dorm she looked at me "i think you-"i cut her off "if being aggressive is the key for her to leave you alone i wi-"she cut me off as well. "i think you're hot when jealous"she said and chuckle "i'm not  jealous"i defend "yeah right. Then I'll go back and help dais-"before she could finish her sentence i said "fine fine. I was jealous. I don't want a competition to you"i admit she smiled at me "ya know i made up my mind. I suddenly fell for you weds. No shit"she said and hug me "you were there when i needed you. You never gave up on waiting even tho it's just a few days. But still"i let out a small chuckle and held her chin. "kiss me"she whisper "with pleasure"i replied and leaned in to kiss her

wednesday oneshots(idfk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang