wenclair x daughter reader

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Wednesday pov:

"mama?"y/n call out "yes?"i replied "what happened to the monstew of your stowy?"she ask "how?" "i red the stowy mama"she said innocently i smile and said "the monster-"i was cut off by enid "the monster escaped from prison and attacks mama's favourite character roarrr"she said playfully making y/n laugh "that's funny mommy. But i want to know the twuth that happened to the monstew"she said "well your mommy was right at one thing. The monster escaped"i replied to my daughter "i wondew whewe he is"y/n said curiously then walk ahead of us. "c'mon mama, mommy come aft-AHHHH" y/n was xut off when she was drag fast away from us. We ran to y/n to see her body parts scattered all over. Tears rolled down my eyes. Enid gritting her teeth looking at tyler's hyde form dead in the eye. "enid"i whisper "enid our daughter"i continue with the whispers. I balled my fist in anger and sadness. How dare he. I look at tyler. He roar at us and ran away once he's gone i went over to y/n's beheaded head. "my sweet sweet girl.....i will make sure he suffers for killing you. You....."i couldn't finish. I was crying so badly enid went to us and hug me tight crying as well. But not as much as i do "y/n sweetheart.....i'll make sure you will get justice. Me and mama will.....rest in peace our dear daughter"she said sadly. I hug enid tight and shout the gut out of me "SHE DIDN'T DESERVE IT!!!!!"i shout "i know....please hold on Wednesday. You still have me i can't lose you too"she said softly stroking my back "she's too young enid she....."i trailed off "we'll get justice for our daughter. Just hold on we can't lose each other"she said and kissed my forehead.

(skip time)

"this is your end tyler"i said "oh yeah?"he replied and turn into his hyde form. Enid tackled him to the ground and snarled at him since she's in her wolf form. I took myself a gun and grenade just in case.

(big time skip 6 years later)

I sat infront of the grave

"i'm all alone again. Y/n....I'm so so sorry i wasn't been able to make you feel what a mother makes her child feel. Enid.....you protected me mi amor. But it cost you your life. I thought we can't lose each other.....it's hard to be the main charavter of one story when all i love is gone. I will do my best to keep myself alive for the both of you. I love you my girls you are the best things that happened to me. I will never forget you. Goodbye"i said while tears never stop streaming down my eyes i wipe them off and stood up leaving a rose on both of their graves. I left not able to bear the pain

Nah i was crying while writing this

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