Wednesday x female reader

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Wednesday pov:

"y/n~"i call out

Reader pov:

Shit, shit, shit she's here i cover my mouth to keep myself from making a sound. I'm trembling scared she might find me.

Wednesday pov:

I look at the almost closed closet. I went there and open it. "not here"i mumble the a creak was heard under enid's bed. I let out a sly smile

Reader pov:

Fuck no

Wednesday pov:

"oh y/n darling. There's no point in hiding"i said i went to enid's bed and lift the sheets. Before i could even look down then enid crawl out of my bed. "i give up Wednesday. It feels like you'll kill us if you find us!"she said trembling. I smirk "that's the point. To scare and you go out by yourself. Y/n you can come out now love"i said and y/n crawl out of enid's bed. "stop scaring me like that!!"she whine. I chuckle "no promises alright? It's fun to see you two get scared"i replied making y/n roll her eyes. "do that again I'll have you sleep in the balcony laying on your cello"she said seriously making me grin. "this is why you are my girlfriend" i replied then enid let out a fake cough. "i'm still here lovebirds"she said. Y/n took enid's arm and said "let's go get dinner I'm starving"she said dramatically. "alright"

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