Wednesday x female reader(i miss this)

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Reader pov:

"he's your next target"ms. Thornhill or laurel said "but-" "no more buts y/n you know what happens if you disobey me" she threatened "fine"i replied and went to the woods killing the target bringing back to laurel the body part she asked me to get. I then went back to school after cleaning myself when i bump into principal weems with a family behind her. "ahh y/n the girl I've been looking for. Come with me" she said and i only obliged. Then we reach my dorm i let them in ofc "so Wednesday this is y/n-" Wednesday cut principal weems off this girl somewhat hasn't changed "y/n l/n. I know"she said coldly "well i guess it'll be easier for you and y/n to get along. Y/n dear kindly tour our new student. Mr and mrs. Addams come follow me for something"principal weems said and they left. "you haven't change"i start "i never did l/n"she said "weds i told you already i was sorry. Plus i didn't know how to tell you"i said she look directly to my eyes "y/n lying about yourself is  not the reason I'm mad at you and why i broke up with you. That girl. I saw you two kissing"she told me i froze "she. Wednesday she forced me to do it. You know me too damn well that I'm an easy target!"i said getting teary "forget it. It's not like it'll bring us back"i add then she held my wrist and hug me "i know you are. It's just the anger that come at me first"she then pull out and hold both my shoulder "i promise you'll never be threatened or be forced to do something you don't want. You have me now mi amor. I'm back here with you"she said kissing my forehead "i always knew you have a soft spot for me"i jokingly said "maybe i do. Now can you help me pack?"she ask "ofc weds"

(big skip time)

Wednesday pov:

I was waiting for y/n in the woods. I want to tell her i found a clue about the monster. Or i should call it a hyde now she showed up soon after she was panting. "i came as soon as i got the message. Give me a sec"she breath out i let out a chuckle "i found a clue on the hyde" i said then y/n's eyes widened "the what?" "the Hyde. That's what the monster is called" i said. But when i mentioned the 'monster' her facial expression seemed hurt. Wait. Don't tell me she's the hyde. I have to find out then "are you ok mi amor?"i ask "oh uhh yes i am don't worry about me. So uhh what clue did you find?"she replied "that this hyde is at our school and is a girl. I found a uniform ripped as if it's body grew big. Then a ponytail"i said "oh maybe it's the hyde's victim?"she ask "i don't think so. No blood or any signs of getting killed is at that spot. Plus a Hyde wouldn't be dumb enough to attack a nevermore student who could be powerful you know"i said she gulp "are you seriously ok?"i ask "yeah i-" i shush her "what's wrong?" she sigh knowing there's no escape "i just have a bad feeling"she confess i smile a little and pull her for a kiss. I then pull out soon after "we'll be fine"i assured her she looked at me guilty "i'm sorry"she whispered i looked at her confusingly "i'm the hyde. She forced me. I have to. I-"i hug her "shhh. It'll be fine now darling. Tell me who's forcing you"i said she only pull from the hug and shook her head. Her face shows fear "i see. Tell me everything"i said and she obliged but didn't tell who the master is "i'm sorry weds" she said again "don't be mi amor. You were forced to do those stuff. I believe you" i said and she smile hugging me tight "thank you"

(another time skip)

I'm at the cafe waiting for y/n when tyler showed up. "hey. So y/n told me she confess it to you"he said sitting infront of me "you knew?" he nod before saying "i was her only friend that she could trust. She said whe was afraid to tell enid because of things about her. Wednesday. Y/n told me not to tell you who is the master. But she did tell me to give you this"he said taking a note giving it to me "she needs you. And if you need some more information ask her or me. I'm an ally y/n's like a sister to me. Be careful"he said before going back to the counter i looked at the note. 'can't get to our date. She wants something. Crackstone's crypt that's where she wants me to be. Be careful i don't know if this is a trap' i folded the note and went to where she told me they are thing backing me up incase this is a trap. I enter and saw crackstone's grave when i got hit by a shovel. Knocking me out

Reader pov:

I secretly gestured thing and he got out. "goodjob leading her here such a good slave for her master"laurel said chaining Wednesday up. I only look down 'i hope you get there fast thing we need you' laurel was only waiting for Wednesday to wake up. It took about 15 minutes enough to buy time. I sense she was awake but kept faking her unconsciousness to give more time. When i heard a siren from the distance(pretend that a hyde has super hearing) i said "stop faking. I know you're awake" she opened her eyes then laurel said "hmm someone's loyal to me now. Are you pup?"she gave me a nickname already after doing that trick i gulp and look at Wednesday with a 'act' look "you traitor!!"she said angrily "i trusted you l/n!" she add "they do say not to trust so easily"i told her laurel was about to cut her hand when the door of the crypt was wide open police surrounding us. The sheriff nod at me letting me know i was safe from being in jail. I took the chains off Wednesday. "how!?!"she was frustrated "how the tables have turned" Wednesday said as the sheriff cuff laurel bringing her to the station we followed them. Then principal weems went to us(yay she's safe😅) "you will not be in jail y/n. For the record you will be the one to choose whether marilyn gets executed or just have life imprisonment."she said

"well principal weems may you tell them. To execute ms. Thornhill manipulating me isn't the only worst thing she has done"i said and she nod leaving to tell the police "i miss this"Wednesday said "miss what?"i ask"when we make the tables turn towards our enemies. I love this"she said "is it only this that you love?"i ask pouting "i love you more tho" she said and i smile. Just then tyler, enid, and the nightshades went to us "you two ok?" tyler ask and we both nod "that was awesome tho. Thing told me the plan even if i didn't see it i can tell it was awesome"kent yoko ajax and enid said at the same time. They we're shock on how they said the exact same words i only chuckle "nice bluff and act l/n"bianca and divina said "thanks" i replied then thing go to Wednesday's shoulder "nice job thing"i said and gave him a high five finally. No more manipulation. No more trouble. Just us

Wednesday pov:

I should tell her

What is that Wednesday wants to tell y/n? Well wait to find out!

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