The hospital was pretty quick to get Summer in a room, to get a check up on them both. Skyler sitting beside her in the bed and Joey calling into work. Told to get a note to confirm the hospital trip, his boss sending positive thoughts their way. Skyler watched the doctor closely when she came. She out the IV in summer hand, before looking at Skyler. "Are you here to be sure Mommy is okay?" She said to the toddler? "And Richy." He pointed out and she smiled. "without a temperature, and your last doctor appointment, I'm assuming little man has dropped, a little easier. So, I'm going to get an ultrasound and some blood work, but I don't really think we have to much to worry about." She said. "I'd...still feel better if I knew for sure." Summer said softly. "Let's be sure, then."
A couple hours later, the nurse was removing the I.V. and Summer held her new ultrasound. "His just dropped is all. Your blood work and the Ultrasound came back normal. Just get some rest and get a follow up with your doctor." She said. "I'm feeling better since he's been resting." Summer said. "Just get some more rest, but you both are fine." She said. "Thank you, really." Summer said. "Come on. Market's going to watch Skyler, so you can get you a few hours of rest. I'm going to head into work once I drop you off." Joey said. "Alright." She said softly.


Market took Skyler downstairs to the basement, that was pretty much their own little apartment set up. Wyatt was in his room, with a friend. A friend neither man really knew much about. He just started showing up a couple weeks ago, out of the blue. Kept pretty much in the small bedroom Wyatt used downstairs. So the bedroom door was shut as Skyler was sat on the couch. "So, it's just me and you until we get to get ready for your party!" He said. "I'm worried about mommy." Skyler frowned and Market eased down, looking at Skyler. "Your mommy will be okay. The baby was just moving a lot today and it made her really uncomfortable. Once she gets some rest, she will be okay." Market said and he shrugged his little shoulders. "Still worried." He frowned. "I know, buddy. I'm going to turn on the television and I'm going to do your hair, okay?" He asked. "Okay." Skyler said.
Skyler sat on Markets lap when the bedroom of Wyatt opened. The friend of Wyatt stepping out, pausing for just a moment at the sight, before walking over to the kitchen area. It took a couple minutes, but Wyatt pushed opened his bedroom door fully, fixing his shirt. "Come here for a second, Wyatt." Market said getting a light nod. Wyatt walked over as they heard the stove turn on. Anthony was making some taco meat for some soft taco. "Your friend, what's his deal?" Market asked. " matter?" Wyatt asked. "Yes and no, Wyatt. Your daddy knows boys haven't been kind to you and we don't need a bad influence around you." Market said. "He's still paying some fines but drugs isn't a problem because of a piss test, but he's staying around. He doesn't talk around most people." Wyatt said. "You should know, nobody here will make fun of him. Molly talks differently because she's deaf." Market said and Wyatt just shrugged his shoulders. "Why doesn't he like talking around people then?" Market asked, watching Wyatt walk over to the kitchen area.
It took a couple minutes before Anthony walked over. Market seen the mask sticking out his pocket, before he turned. The scars along side he jawline bright pink and he pushed his hair out the way, the eye patch shown, nothing was said, he just went back to the kitchen and started cooking again. Market sent Skyler to play in Robin's room down there, before he joined the boys in the kitchen. "I'm assuming you don't have healthcare? Wyatt's just been added to his father's." Market said, just getting a shake of a head. "Let me see what I can do. 20? Or 21?" Market asked. "He's still 20." Wyatt said. "Alright. I have to make a couple calls. Your daddy got me a couple phone interviews." Market said. "Because you should do hair, professionally!" Wyatt said. "I enjoy my time doing the children's hair, I'm not so sure how I'd enjoy doing people who think they know it all." He frowned. "Dad got you an interview with one that only takes appointments. He submitted some of the hairstyles you put the children's in, even Rachel's, and they loved it. You can pick your clients and even keep to part time, they take children as well, so you can even keep to children if you really want. We really think you should." Wyatt said. "Seen... pictures. Good." Anthony kind of mumbled. Speaking wasn't so easy for me. "Alright. Keep an eye on Skyler, please? He could use a nap. The children like to nap for you a lot easier." Market said. "I like the kids. How is Summer?" Wyatt asked. "Fine. The baby just lowered himself and was causing a lot of discomfort." Market said. "Good, good. I got Skyler." Wyatt said.

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