What I love about Scarlett

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author's note: This is a short little dabble inspired by Marriage story!! hope you enjoy <33

author's note: This is a short little dabble inspired by Marriage story!! hope you enjoy <33

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She cries when dogs dies in movies—hard. She can't use a toothbrush longer than a month, but she has no problem to lie on the same bedsheets for three. Her green thumbs expired a long time ago but she insists on buying new seeds and plants whenever we go out. She doesn't like peanut butter, but she keeps a jar in her house in case I visit.

She's a phenomenal actress, the kind you only see once or twice a decade. She worked hard to get to where she is and she puts all of her into everything she does. Sometimes its too much and she breaks, but I'm happy to pick up the pieces once that happens, because she always does the same for me.

Scarlett is never afraid to admit when she's wrong. Sometimes it takes time and it's hard, but she always owns up to her mistakes—big and small. I really love that about her.

She well spoken, in a way most people aren't. She will take her time answering your questions to the best of her ability and she will articulate her answers in a prestige manner.

She's witty and funny, but not in an obvious way. Her smart wit will catch you by surprise and her jokes will make the whole room laugh. Even in my darkest days her dumbest joke can make me smile.

Scarlett eats bananas on tacos but hates them on pizza. She's not a great cook, but the things she can make she always manages to do with such prestige. She always wear fluffy socks, even if it's burning hot outside, but I think that's just an excuse so she can slide across the floor wherever she goes.

Scarlett is a fantastic mother, the best I've ever seen. She's patient and caring and she loves to play with her children, no matter how many hours she's worked or how little sleep she got the night before. She puts her kids first in every situation, and if you're lucky enough, one day, you might get to witness the love she holds for them. I wish everyone could have a mother like Scarlett.

She never steps down from a challenge, especially not if there's a price involved. Once she even went as far as to crack a tooth, but she said it was worth it because she still won and Chris had to pay for their dinner. It's scary how competitive Scarlett can get on game night, but seeing the happiness on her face every time she wins makes it worth it.

Scarlett makes me a better person. She taught me to never give up on myself, and never sell myself short. She showed me how to love, truly love. She makes me appreciate the little things in life, like a jar of peanut butter or the feeling of fluffy socks against my leg.

She saw me for who I truly was and she loved me for it. She has a way of making the people around her feel safe, and loved. I'll always appreciate that.

But my favorite thing about Scarlett, is that I'm lucky enough to call her mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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