Joints and feelings | Wanda Maximoff

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Relationships are complicated as it is. Try add being and dating an avenger - who also happens to have superpowers - when the both of you never intended to be with each other.

Wanda Maximoff. We've recently started going out. Ever since she came back from the blip. But I know she wishes I was someone else. Or should I say, something else? But to be honest, I wish she was someone else too.

Before Thanos and the rainbow stones, I was happy and in love with a beautiful agent. Natasha Romanoff. But like so much else, she was taken from me. Natasha Romanoff sacrificed herself to save the rest of us. Natasha Romanoff saved the world.

It's been almost two years since she passed, and since Wanda came back. I know she still misses Vision, just like I miss Natasha. But, we both find comfort in each other and we both know that we need to move forward in order to keep going.

I really like Wanda. I do. And I think she really likes me too.

The only thing I'm certain of is the fact that Maximoff can never be Romanoff, and I could never love anyone the same way again. Not even Wanda.

"Don't tell me you're actually falling for her?" My best friend Yelena asked. Well, truth to be told, it was more of a warning than a question.

Yelena is Natasha's sister, well, half sister, but who really cares about technicalities. I met her not long after I met Natasha, and we've been inseparable ever since. And we only grew closer when she passed.

Without her, Yelena was all I had, and likewise.

We were currently in my shitty New Yerk apartment, sitting on the floor, leaning against my ugly, old, green couch.

I took a gulp of my beer before answering. "You know I'll never love anyone like that again." Yelena inhaled the last part of the joint we'd been passing back and forth as I spoke. "But, she's really nice, and funny too."

I took another gulp of my beverage as Yelena lighted another joint. "I really do like her Lena," I leaned my head on the couch, looking at the blond, "and I think you would too, if you met her."

Yelena huffed, taking another blow on the joint before passing it to me. "I'm not some parent you need to win over," she paused, chugging a bit of her beer. "I just want you to be careful, okay? She's not like the rest of us."

My brows furrowed at Yelena's comment. 'Not like the rest of us?' What does that even mean. It's not like any of the avengers are traditional human beings. Or human beings for that part.

"I mean that she's a witch (y/n)." Yelena clarified as my lungs filled with smoke. It's funny how she doesn't approve of Wanda's magic when Yelena's the one that can read my mind almost constantly.

I shook my head, passing her the joint. "So?" I asked, adjusting my position on the floor so I was sitting up straight. "She almost self-handedly took out Thanos, without mentioning the fact that she saved your sister's life." I defended, chugging the rest of my beer.

"Yeah? And what good did that do?" Yelena spat, standing up and placing the empty bottle on my coffee table.

I knew she was still sensitive about Natasha's death, but we both knew that Wanda saving Natasha, led to the avengers saving the world.

While I was sitting, thinking, Yelena popped another beer open and walked into my room, closing the rustic glass doors behind her. 'Great, I'm sleeping on the couch in my own fucking apartment.' I thought, throwing back my head on the green monstrosity while shutting my eyes.


It was barley over midnight when I got a message, lulling me out from my distant thoughts. It was from Wanda. A simple 'U up?'.

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