Your nickname for them

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Natasha Romanoff
You only call Natasha by three nicknames, 'My Superhero', 'Nat' and 'My love'. Whenever she has doubts about being a good person you always call her 'My superhero' because that's how you see her, and how you want her to see herself

Wanda Maximoff
You like to tease Wanda with her nicknames, not that they aren't true though. You use them in a flirty manor, when you're happy or just when you're talking to her. The nicknames include 'Mommy', 'Wifey', 'Hot stuff' and 'Baby mama'

Yelena Belova
You love to call her 'Little spider' and 'Princess'. When around everyone else Yelena pretends she doesn't like it but you know she secretly loves it. You also call her 'Pockets' to mess with her, but now it's stuck to your vocabulary so you barley think about it when you use it, and neither does she.

Kate Bishop
You like to call her 'Angel' mostly, but will also refer to her as 'Bubs' or 'Baby'. When you want to tease her however, you'll call her 'Lady hawk'

Carol Danvers
Like Carol, you use one particular nickname to tease and piss her of. That nickname is 'Captain America'. Other then that you'll call her 'Honey' or 'Babe'

MJ Jones
Since she doesn't like to be called anything other then MJ, you'll call her something like 'Sweet sugar boo' or 'Honey bear sweetness' to piss her of. On a good day, you can call her 'Darling' and she won't smack you in the face

America Chavez
America loves the nicknames you have given her, which consists of 'Little star', 'Multiverse' and 'Babygirl'.

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