Childish | Natasha Romanoff

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"Look, all I'm saying is that it is childish okay, I still-" Natasha was cut of short, her girlfriend taking the lead in the conversation.

"Did you just call me childish? Well guess who's not gonna get in to my fort!" (y/n) said offended but with a hint of amusement. Things had been hard for them after the blip, waiting and searching to find a way to get their family back.

(y/n) was always the most childish in the group, and even though Natasha always quarrel about it, it was one of the things that made her fall in love with (y/n) in the first place. Whenever (y/n) wanna cheer someone up she returns to a true state of national childishness. And if building a fort for hours would make Natasha forget about their situation - even just for a few minutes - it would be worth it.

"(y/n) this is exactly what I'm talking about" Natasha was innerly punching herself for falling in love with (y/n). God she could be too much sometimes. Natasha wouldn't admit it if you'd ask her but she was smiling inside the whole time.

"(y/n)? Who's (y/n)? I'm Tony Stark and this," (y/n) say motioning over her fort, "my humble home" even (y/n) had to crack a smile at her silly story which made Natasha's smile show itself.

"Okay, okay, I'll play along" Natasha said, racing her hands in a surrendering gesture. "I'd love to see where you do all your research... Tony"

"I love you"

"We just met but if that's how quickly you wanna go-"

"No, seriously. I mean it" (y/n)'s eyes sparked with happiness, her mouth almost up to her ears. This wasn't the first time the girl had said 'I love you' to her girlfriend. But it was the first time she knew that it was gonna last forever. "I love you Natasha"

"Babe I love you too but why the sparkles in your eyes? Don't tell me you're pregnant?!" Natasha laughed at her mediocre joke, knowing fully well that (y/n) could never get pregnant. The former was pushed by her girlfriend and almost fell onto the wall of the fort. Key word - almost. (y/n) rolled her eyes and shook her head as she let go of Natasha's arm.

"For once I try to be serious and then you have to act like the child?" The tone in (y/n)'s voice wasn't mean or angry. Just serious. The (h/c) exited the fort and made her way to their shared bed. Her mood had changed drastically.

Forever. She knew her love for Natasha would last forever. However, forever might be shorter then she initially thought. They've tired to figure out how to defeat Thanos, without success, and the time is almost up. (y/n) didn't wanna die because of some stupid purple alien. She didn't wanna die now. She was young, she still had so much to explore. Learn. She's supposed to have more time with her family. More time with Natasha.

All that had been building up in (y/n) was now coming out. The (h/c) was pulled out of her thoughts when Natasha settled next to her on the bed. "I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything" (y/n) took a deep breath before looking her lover in the eyes. "I'm scared Nat, I'm not ready to go" she said, head now turned away, facing the fort.

"(y/n) what are you talking about?" The Black Widow put her finger under (y/n)'s chin, making her lift up her head and look her in the eyes.

"You know what I mean! And I know you're scared too, that's why I did all of this!" (y/n)'s voice was louder yet more vulnerable as she motioned to the fort once more. "God I'm so stupid! I did this so you didn't have to think about our problems. And now, I'm the one bringing them up, I'm the one needing comfort"

"(y/n) it's okay-"

"No it's not! I wanted to be a good girlfriend but I failed that too, just like I failed Wanda. If I just," she paused to take a deep breath, "she would be alive if it wasn't for me"

"(y/n) there's nothing you could've done okay, you had no idea who would and who wouldn't make it. And I'm sorry your sister didn't, but it wasn't your fault" Natasha looked her girlfriend deeply in her eyes, making sure she understood every single word she said. (y/n) rested her head on Natasha's shoulder, releasing the oxygen she didn't know was there. They sat like that for a moment. Quiet. All that was heard was the faint shatter from the others outside. It was, peaceful. Long overdue. And it was needed.

After what felt like an hour but in reality actually was a few minutes, (y/n) spoke up. "So... you wanted to see where I do my research?" The (h/c) had a mischievous smile on her lips as she looked playfully at the taller girl. Natasha could not understand how she'd gotten so lucky.

(y/n) tugged at Natasha's shirt signing for her to stand up. (y/n) kissed her passionately. Forcefully. Hungry. Before suddenly ending it in a matter of seconds. "Are you just gonna stand there stranger or are you coming inside?" She asked. Natasha looked at the fort then back at (y/n) before rolling her eyes. Yet a big smile was tugging on her lips.

Natasha walked in behind (y/n) and she felt excited, lucky, even in a moment like this, knowing they might not make it. She was gonna make sure (y/n) stayed safe. Natasha had finally found inner peace. And all she could feel at that moment, while acting like a child with the girl she loved the most, was happiness. True innocent happiness.

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