Flower | Wanda Maximoff

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Class had just finished and I was packing up my stuff, carefully putting the drawing I got from one of my students in my bag

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Class had just finished and I was packing up my stuff, carefully putting the drawing I got from one of my students in my bag. A knock graced the door which stood wide open. I turned my head towards the opening and saw Wanda Maximoff.

"Hey (y/n), I just came to pick up the boys homework." The redhead said, walking further into my classroom.

"Tommy and Billy still sick, huh?" I asked more as a statement, digging through my folder of all the kids assignments.

Wanda hummed in response, checking out the room. Drawings of various degrees were hung all over the otherwise cold, brick-white walls. The whiteboard was covered in today's notes in math as well as the days schedule. The dark red cabinets were filled with books, papers, pens and other necessities for a classroom.

I tried my best to make this room a safe place. A warm hug. Not like the old, cold boring classrooms I was raised in.

Just as I found the twins homework in my folder, Wanda turned her attention back to me.

"Well I hope to see the two trouble makers soon." I handed her the homework papers and her warm hands brushed against mine. "The class sure misses them." I said, earning a soft giggle from the mother as well as a 'thank you'.

Wanda was just about to leave but stopped herself and turned back around. "Actually, there was something else I wanted to ask you as well." her eyes averted mine and I could sense that she wasn't completely comfortable.

I sat down my bag on my chair and walked around my desk, getting closer to the mother. "Whatever it is, don't worry. I've heard it all." I say reassuringly, a teasing tone gracing my last sentence.

"Okay, alright, here it is," she braced herself, taking a deep breath. "I think you're really- I mean you are really beautiful, and I wanted to ask you if you'd like to, or don't think it's to weird if I-" she stumbled over her words before stopping herself completely.

She ran her fingers through her hair, trying her best not to seem as nervous as she was. "Can I ask you out." she finally said, looking for my reaction.

I tried to hold back my big smile. Finally the hottest mother out there asked me out. I was ecstatic. "I usually have a policy about not going out with parents," I started. Wanda looked down, thinking she'd receive bad news. "But I've been kinda waiting for you to ask me out since the first day I saw you."

Wanda smiled brightly, asking in disbelief, "really?" she was looking just like my class do when I tell them it's time for free play - never happier.

"Yes, of course."


The night was settling in Westview as the end credits of Halloween rolled. Wanda took me to a drive in movie on our forth date. I was snuggled into her the entirety of the film. To be honest, I don't really remember what the movie was even about.

I was so infatuated with her. Her scent, her voice, her personality, her looks. Everything about her made my head spin in circles.

We packed up all our stuff from the picnic blanket, considering neither me nor Wanda has a car, a picnic setting was the next best option.

Placing the basket of stuff on her arm, she grabbed my hand with her free one. "Let me walk you home." She said as her warm hand started to transfer its warmth to my freezing one. "Was the movie okay? I'm sorry I didn't let you pick, it was kinda last minute and I just wanted to do something spontaneous and romantic and-"

"Wanda," I said, stopping her spiral, "the movie was great." I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and she smiled contently. "Not that it really matters." I added, earning a confused look from the redhead.

"How come?"

"Any time I get to spend with you is a good time. I don't care what we do or what we watch." I explained. I blushed when I felt her green eyes on me.

She squeezed my hand and dragged me closer to her, so close that we almost couldn't walk without falling over. "You're really cute, do you know that?" She admitted, glancing over me for a second.

When we crossed the street she let go of my hand. I frowned for myself, missing the feeling of her hand in mine. I had no time to wonder why she dropped my hand as I felt her sneak up on my other side, and grab my other one. She kept waking - looking straight ahead - like nothing happened.

"What was that for?"

She huffed, like it was an obvious answer. "Because, the road switched sides." I was still confused to what she meant, and she could tell by my expression. "I just want to be closest to the road." Wanda simply said.

It was quiet for a moment, until I realized what she meant.

I stopped walking, stopping Wanda in the process. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked nervously.

I've never met anyone in my life who cares so much about people like Wanda. Her genuine concern, awareness and caring nature is some off the things I was drawn to when I first met her.

I grabbed her face and leaned it down towards mine. Our lips clashed forcefully and my arms moved up around her neck. Wanda released our hands and grabbed either side of my hips - dropping the basket and blanket to the ground - forcing me closer to her.

We were forced to part for air, our lungs needing more oxygen. "Wow." Wanda said, resting her forehead on mine. "I've been waiting for you to do that since I first asked you out." she giggled.

Her hands were tracing patterns over my shirt over my back, giving me chills, and I leaned up to peck her lips once more. "Do you wanna stay over?" She asked after I retreated. "Tommy and Billy are having a sleepover so there wouldn't be a problem." her voice was soft and gentle. My toes curled by just thinking about it.

"Wanda I'm not ready to-"

"No, no," She cut me of, "I was just thinking we could cuddle, and talk, and watch another movie, and cuddle," she pecked my lips "and if you so happen to fall asleep in my lap, than that'd be okay too." she pecked my lips again. I followed her head as she moved back and kissed her lips softly, standing on my tippy-toes to reach her.

"I think I might like that actually." I smiled sheepishly, resting my head on Wanda's chest.

"Alright, let's go flower." she said. She clasped her hands together before picking up the basket and blanket.

I grabbed her hand and started walking. "Wait," I looked up at her with curious eyes, "flower?"

"Yeah. Because you're beautiful, like a flower." Wanda bent down and quickly kissed my lips as we kept walking. "Come on now, let's get you inside, you're even cooler the Elsa." she giggled and I couldn't help but giggle at how adorable she was.

"Well, good thing I have my lava monster to warm me up." I joked back, nestling closer into her.

"You see, I don't think that's the same movie."

I hit her chest playfully as she laughed at her own joke. "There must be a bee on you, flower, cause that really stung." Wanda almost yelled out.

I let go of her and started walking in a faster pace.

"Oh, you can't run from me (y/n). I can do this all night!" Wanda yelled, running after me. Both of us in a fit of giggles.

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