Princesses Peach | America Chavez

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"Alright, and this is the so called living area." You vaguely heard Mr Stark say.

You and Peter were extremely focused and into your very intense video game. Mario-cart. You were in the lead with one lap left and Peter was in the 6th place. You were so going to win this.

"Ahh, there are our annoying children!" Mr Stark said, gesturing enormously for you guys to look away from the TV. "(y/n)? Peter? We have a guest!" he said loudly.

You turned to look at him for a split second and was met with the most beautiful, piercing eyes you've ever seen. Your eyes froze on the girl standing beside your supervisor.

Peter brought you out of your trance when he shoved your shoulder. "Look I passed you!" he yelled, laughing.

You turned your focus back to the game, but it was too late. You finished on 7th place and Peter stood up to do a victorious dance towards you.

"Very classy Peter." Mr Stark said which made Peter freeze and turn around slowly. He had been so invested in the game that he never noticed the presence of the other avenger. "Okay, now that you're both done with your little game," he said, turning to the girl standing beside him. "This is America Chavez, she'll be training with you guys to become an avenger."

The raven haired girl mumbled a 'Hi' as both your and Peter's eyes were on her.

"America, like the country?" Peter asked, earning a slap on the arm from you.

You looked at him like a big sister would when their little sibling said something they shouldn't. "No America like the cereal." you said mockingly.

"Don't mind him," you turned back to America and walked up to shake her hand. "He was dropped a lot as a baby."

Peter gasp from behind you and Tony rolled his eyes at your banter.

"I'm (y/n), nice to meet you." you shook her hand, it was roughed up and dry, but the warm sensation made you tingle slightly. "Even though you made me lose the race." you added jokingly, earning a chuckle from the girl.

"Alright, well, I'll leave you guys to get acquainted, or something." Mr Stark said and left the room.

Peter sat back down on the couch and you motioned for America to join you guys.

"You wanna join?" Peter asked, reaching for another controller. "As long as you don't choose princess Peach we good." he added which made you both chuckle.

America grabbed the controller and sat down next to you. She looked strangely at it, then up at the TV. "I've never played before." she seemed embarrassed but you didn't really know why.

"Don't worry, I'll show you." you said, scotching closer to her. Your hand brushed against hers and you felt yourself getting thirsty, your mouth running dry.

"Even after I made you lose and all." America joked and you playfully rolled your eyes. "And don't worry Peter, I'm not much for princesses."

Just when you were about to teach America how the controller worked Peter started a debate about why princess Peach was the best and fastest character on the game.

Neither you nor America could keep a straight face. All you could do was look at each other and try not to burst out laughing. You already knew then, that from that day and on, all of you would be best friends forever.

And you were right.

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