Running vs thinking | Natasha Romanoff

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"Seriously, why did you force me on this run? You know I hate running?" You said when you reached Natasha who was waiting impatiently on you.

"Oh come on, (y/n), it's not that bad." She said and patted your back. "Besides, you kinda need it." She joked and ran away quicker than a flash before you could hit her in any way.

"Hey you're not allowed to do that!" You shouted, increasing your pace to catch her. But you didn't. She was too fast.

You soon reached the compound and slowed down seeing that Natasha had stopped again. "You know I'm not much of a runner." You said to her once you started walking. "I'm more of a thinker, except for the fact that I rarely think about stuff before I do them."

You heard Natasha giving away a chuckle which made you smile. You've liked Natasha for some time now but you haven't had the chance to tell her, between all the missions and Thanos almost succeeding in destroying the world. But now you're ready. It's time.

"You're funny, (y/n/n). To bad you're a pain in the ass to run with." Natasha teased, patting you on the shoulder. "I'm gonna go report to Fury. I'll see you later right?" She then added, giving you a quick, almost unrecognizable hug, before you nodded and she jogged away, leaving you with a strange sensation in your stomach.

You liked it.

You decided to help Wanda out with the cooking tonight, you needed to get your mind elsewhere for a while. It turns out that cutting vegetables and dancing around in the kitchen with Wanda really helped with that. The evening almost flew by and you found yourself outside Natasha's room in no time.

Natasha didn't come down for dinner, she rarely did. Instead she would have it in her room while she did some paperwork or reading.

You stood at her door for a while, hesitating to knock until you had mustered up the courage. Right when you were about to knock the door flew open, almost slamming you in the face if it weren't for your fast reflexes.

"(y/n)!" Natasha gaped in surprise. "I was about to go to you." She gestured for you to come in and in a light, humorous voice, uttered, "I suppose my room will suficiente well enough."

You walked in, not saying a word. Natasha could tell you had something hanging over you chest and motioned for you to sit on the floor, at the end of her bed. It was there you always had riveting conversations. Could be good, sad, funny, bad. It was your space, where you guys could be yourselves.

You did as always and sat down at the end of her bed, leaning against the wooden frame. Natasha joined you, instantly placing a hand on your thigh for support. She always did that, touched you. You hated it. You hated it because it was never the way you wanted her to touch you.

It was quiet for a moment before Natasha spoke up.
"Tell me." She simply said, yet it was all that was needed. She squeezed your leg comforting, as a sign that anything you'd say was confidential, that it wouldn't make her look at you in any other way.

You knew better however. You knew this would make her look at you differently.

You took a deep breath before finally speaking. "This might be the dumbest thing I've done," you started.

Natasha interrupted with a quick, "I doubt that." in hopes that you'd feel lighter, and it eased you up a bit, but it didn't take the nerves away. Natasha's smirk faulted when you didn't push her shoulder or try to shove her off her ass like you used to when she took digs at you. Instead, she shifted her focus solely on you, waiting for you to continue what you came here to talk about.

"I'm not great at this whole, feelings thing, but I know I can't keep this in anymore." You explained, looking straight ahead at the wall across from you. "You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you, but I can't keep hiding this. It's too painful."

With every word Natasha grew more and more anxious. She cared about you a lot, and whatever was troubling you she wanted it to stop, to make you feel alright.

She was listening however, patiently, ignoring the fact that you wouldn't look at her, only caring to hear what you had to say.

"The thing is that," you were shaking to your core, but you refused to let it on to the rest of your body. "The thing is that I like you Nat, like a lot, more than as a friend." You confessed, fibbing with your fingers, a habit you'd picked up from Wanda over the years. "And it's completely okay if you don't feel the same, I just hope we can still be friends and-"

Natasha cut you off by placing her hand under your cheek. "(y/n/n)," she spoke with such a light voice that you almost thought you imagined it. "I like you too."

A big smile was appearing on her face and her eyes were shining brighter then the sun. God you loved that sight.

Your heart dropped to your stomach, in the best way. Natasha Romanoff liked you. The zoo escaped and ran free over your whole body. For this feeling right here, was the best feeling in the entire world.

"So," you said, trailing off when you caught a glimpse of Natasha's plump lips. Your whole vocabulary turning to dust liked you'd just snapped your fingers with a really expensive glove on.

Too soon.

"So," she said, mimicking you and nudging your shoulder. Her smile still wide as she examined your face. She'd seen it a million times before, but god, she swore it got more and more beautiful as every minute passed.

"I'm thinking." You giggled. It all felt so unreal.

"Good you're more of a thinker then." Natasha teased, her smirk almost unnoticed because of her huge grin.

You leaned in, Natasha doing the same and finally connecting her lips to your. They tasted of Wanda's paprikash but you didn't care. They were perfect to you.

Natasha was perfect to you.

And you realized you were a fool not only a minute ago, this, was without a doubt, the best feeling in the entire world.

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