Pizza night | Scarlett Johansson

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(y/n) was stood outside Scarlett's trailer, waiting for her wife to end for the day. By her side was Rose, Scarlett's daughter from another relationship. Just like her mommy she had blond hair that was framing her face perfectly and green eyes that could melt your heart in seconds.

It had been awhile since they've seen Scarlett due to her busy schedule which the marvel actress apologized for over and over again. She felt guilty for leaving her pregnant wife alone, especially this far into the third trimester.

"Uhh is she back soon, I can't wait any longer or I might expode!" Rose expressed dramatically which made her mother laugh. The youngest family member was only seven but had already taken on the persona of a Drama Queen.

"I'm sure she'll be here at any moment, doofus."

Rose continued to swing around the railing connected to Scarlett's trailer as (y/n) looked at the watch on her wrist. When she looked back up again she saw two of her wife's co-workers - Florence and Hailee. Well technically Hailee isn't working on the movie, but she's on set almost every day to support and spend time with her girlfriend.

(y/n) is no stranger to the two girls. The four of them became friends quickly during the start of shooting and they even started a monthly game night, which Scarlett and (y/n) never wins. Unless it's uno, (y/n) is the Queen of uno.

"Hey, (y/n/n), how's it going?" Florence said and hugged the pregnant woman.

"I just wish this little shit could leave my body soon."
(y/n) chuckled and pet her baby bump.

"Should you really be here? I mean you're due any day now right?" Hailee questioned and stepped in to hug the woman as well.

"It's fine. I'm just here to pick up Scarlett."

"She was talking to Lizzie when we left but she's probably on the way now." Hailee informed, her gaze trailing over (y/n) like she was a bomb that might explode in any second now.

Rose suddenly jumped onto Florence, scaring the blonde slightly. "Why do you look so dirty?" The little girl asked, making everyone around her laugh.

Florence alternated her voice into one you hear on children's cartoons as she spoke, "What? Dirty! I'm not dirty!" She exclaimed and started to tickle Rose who was almost falling to the ground in the process.

"We should probably go and find her a shower."
Hailee tuned in and got a slap on the arm from the mentioned girl. "But really, we have that thing..." Hailee tried again - her cheeks turning red. She looked at her girlfriend, waiting for Florence's brain to click the pieces together. 

Florence made an ah sound as her girlfriend's words entered her brain. She chuckled when she saw the flustered state Hailee was in.

Florence put Rose down who in return hid behind her mama's leg. "We'll see you next Friday on game night!" Florence then yelled as she grabbed Hailee's hands and jogged away from the mother and daughter.

"Bye guys!" Hailee said, turning around to wave enthusiastically as she was dragged away by Florence.

(y/n) just smiled for herself, knowing exactly what 'thing' the two had to attend. She was drawn out of her thoughts by Rose jumping down the stairs to Scarlett's trailer.

"Mommy!" She shouted and ran into Scarlett's embrace.

"I've missed you babygirl!" Scarlett exclaimed as she bent down to hug her daughter. She kissed her on the crown of her hair before ruffling it with her hand.

"Mama said we could eat pizza and watch a movie today!" Rose expressed with excitement as her and Scarlett walked up to (y/n).

"Oh did she now?" Scarlett questioned while raising her eyebrows at her wife. (y/n) rolled her eyes and nodded her head before tightly embracing Scarlett in her arms.

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