Guardian angel | Brie Larson | First meeting

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author's note: this woman deserves more love and appreciation <3 there is a little violence and hurtful words in this chapter so beware

author's note: this woman deserves more love and appreciation <3 there is a little violence and hurtful words in this chapter so beware

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You were out on a walk at the park with your newborn, getting your daily dose of fresh air. It was practically the only thing you could do to entertain yourself while on maternity leave.

Of course you loved Skyler, but god, some days it felt like you were trapped in your own home. Taking daily walks was the only reason you had any ounces of sanity left.

In the middle of your walk through the park, Skyler got cranky. It didn't take a genius to realize she was hungry, after all, it was basically the only thing she could do—eat.

You went to the nearest bench and whisked Skyler up from her trolly and onto your lap as you sat down next to a young woman. She shot you a small smile, not wanting to intrude as you rolled up your shirt and took one of your breasts out from your bra.

Skyler quickly attached to your nipple and started sucking harshly to get the milk out, impatient as ever. You sighed at the relief that followed, your breast feeling less sore as Skyler began to empty it.

You placed a soft cloak over Skyler's head to protect her from the grim, spring sun that infiltrated her eyes and made her cranky and unfocused on the task. She let out a content breath when the cloak tuned out the sun and began suckling on your breast once more.

A shadow casted over you which made you look up from your daughter and to the man who hovered over the two of you, far too close for your own comfort.

"You're disgusting!" He hissed through gritted teeth. "You can't do that here! It's inhumane and distasteful!" He went on, his voice only growing louder and harsher. "There are kids here, they don't need to be scarred for life because of your stupidity!"

You felt the tears prickling your eyes, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing them. Had you been alone you could've handled a man like him, but with your daughter in your arms, you feared the worst. If anything were to happen to Skyler you could never forgive yourself. So you sat there, quiet, and took everything the man spat your way.

"And to think idiots like you are allowed children-"

Before you knew it, the man was laying on the ground, clutching his nose. Your brows furrowed, until you caught a glimpse of the young woman—you'd long forgotten—hovering over him.

"If you don't get out of here I'll call the police!" She spat—literally—in the man's face. "I don't think they appreciate threats made against a mother and her child." Her eyes were tainted with hatred as she leaned in and whispered in the man's ear, "You have three seconds to leave before I take all my anger out on your genitals."

You watched in amazement as the man scrambled to his feet and ran away, bloody nose clutched between his fingers and a look of horror in his eyes.

The grip you had around Skyler loosened. You hadn't noticed that you'd clung to her tighter until now. Skyler didn't seem to mind any of the commotion however, as she was now fast asleep and little snores fell out of her mouth periodically. Babies are definitely a different species.

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