The pianist | Kate Bishop

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Fingers ghosted over the old piano, ever so delicately brushing against a few keys. It was tainted. Rust spreading its disease over the once shinning, brand new instrument. The once white additions were turning browner as each year passed by, and the keys gave more resistance the longer they went untouched.

Shakily, the fingers pressed down on a few keys, black and white alike. She held them there, not daring to move, even as the tone fizzled out. In the distance, she could hear the accords of the sweetest melody known to man. A melody she knew by heart.

She closed her eyes, and then she was back in the large foyer, swaying softly to the music infiltrating her ears.

Despite the cold interior in the foyer, she felt warm. Everything was illuminated by the sunlight, giving the space a yellow drape of false happiness. False security.

As the melody picked up, so did her dancing, and soon enough, she was dancing freely over every inch of the foyer.

The brunette destined to play the sweet melody was in awe, watching the woman before her. She'd never seen her this carefree. This happy. And the pianist took an ounce of pride in that. After all, it was her melody that brought out that side of the woman currently twirling around in her home.

Her pricing blue eyes held nothing but pure love in them. And she swore, she'd play until her arms fell off, if it made the woman she was in love with feel so free. She'd play forever and just watch the incredible sight before her. The brunette knew she'd never forget this moment. She probably couldn't even if she wanted to. It was engraved in her brain now. Every carefree jump, every gleeful twirl, every thoughtless move. She'd remember it all.

Had she known it'd be her last moment on this earth, she would've emerged herself into the scene even moreif that was even possible. But this was a good way to go. So the pianist was at peace when her turn came. She was content and she, too, felt free.

The girl twirled once more, and found herself emerging in piercing blue eyes, watching her intently. Her whole face was on fire from smiling and laughing so much, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling even bigger at the pianist.

And the pianist challenged her, providing an even bigger grin. The girl laughed at that and continued to dance around the large area. When she was about to turn around againto let herself gaze on the pianist some moreher eardrums deafened at the harsh sound from outside.

She looked around in panic, and her gaze landed on the only person in this world that mattered to her. The phantom of a long forgotten tune was hanging in the air between them.

When muscular arms wrapped themselves around her neck and rested their hands on her chest, she finally removed her trembling fingers from the keys.

She placed her hands between her legs, squeezing them shut, trying her best to shake the emotions taking over her body.

The hands started rubbing her chest gently, as lips left small kisses on the girl's shoulder and down to her shoulder blade.

Shifting so she could see her partner, the girl finally spoke, "I'm sorry I woke you up, Yelena."

The other placed another kiss on her shoulder. "You didn't. Apparently, I just have the habit of not being able to sleep when you're not next to me." She humored, trying to lighten her girlfriend's attitude.

Yelena rested one of her hands on the girls cheek, brushing her cheekbone with her thumb. Soft green eyes met watery (e/c) ones. On instinct, Yelena let her head lean forward, connecting it with her lover's.

"She'll always be with you."

That tore the girl apart.

Four years, seven months, two weeks and five days. 1691 days and yet it felt like no time had passed at all. But (y/n) knew it had. The piano was proof of that.

Why she'd been so cruel to herself and placed the instrument in her bedroom was a question best left unasked. It was useless now, really. It sounded nothing like it was supposed to, too rusty and beaten up to truly be played on. That sweet melody would never be able to be played either.

She'd been afraid to touch it at first, scared to taint it with anything other than her Kate. But day by day, she felt the need to touch it more and more, brisk in it, really. And each time she touched the once elegant instrument, she was met with memories of the only person in this world that had mattered to her.

Most days were spent not even reflecting on the event that brought her so much pain. After all, it'd been 1691 days ago. It took a long time, but at some point (y/n) grew tired of being a victim, so she started living again. Just like Kate would've wanted her to.

And now she had someone new to love, someone who loved her just as much as Kate once did. She was happy again, content with life. Finally moving forward from the day she lost everything.

But once in awhile, she finds herself at that godforsaken piano, hovering over the keys, pleading with her brain to grant her with another memory to unlock, wishing with all her heart to hear that sweet melody again, even if it's only for just one more time.

Some say it's best to forget and move on, but (y/n) knows better than that. Someone once taught her that dead doesn't mean gone, and Kate Bishop is not gone.

She's the cold winter breeze in her hair. She's the light shinning through the curtains too early in the morning, introducing her to a new day. She's the warmth that takes over her whole body. She's the love that exists between her and Yelena.

Kate Bishop is far from gone.

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