Everything Natasha loves (and hates) about Wanda

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Natasha loves Wanda's taste when it comes to music and movies, to art and dishes, anything really. Everything Wanda shows her, Natasha can't get enough of. Well, expect for the sitcoms that always plays on their TV. She especially loves how interested Wanda is in learning to cook, it usually results in Natasha getting the honor to taste something new and delicious her wife wisps together. She'll be so happy and excited to show Natasha something new, so Natasha can't help but say she loves it even if she doesn't. She could never dare when her wife would be so damn cute and thrilled about it.

Natasha absolutely hates the way Wanda drives. You would think The Black Widow wouldn't be afraid of such a small notion, but oh no. Whenever Wanda is behind the wheel, Natasha feels her life flashing before her eyes. She'd hit the imaginary break on the passenger side and cling to the dashboard like there was no tomorrow. How Wanda didn't notice how useless of a driver she was, was beyond Natasha. Even if her life depended on it, she'd never get in a car Wanda's driving. Not again.

Natasha loves Wanda's baby snores. She always falls asleep on top of Natasha when they're watching movies, and at first Natasha wouldn't notice--too engrossed in the movie--until she'd hear those cute baby snores coming from Wanda's mouth. She'd look so peaceful and cosy on Natasha's chest, her mouth slightly open and her nose scrunching adorably as Natasha would start playing with her hair. If Natasha could only hear one sound for the rest of her life, it'd be Wanda's baby snores.

Natasha hates Wanda's cold hands and feet. It almost felt like Wanda wanted to be single every day as she would constantly touch Natasha's neck or back with her hands whenever she walked passed, or she'd place her foot on Natasha's stomach or between her thighs whenever they were on opposite ends of the couch or cuddled in bed. Wanda knew Natasha hated it and she'd always look so innocent and nonchalant like she didn't know what she was doing. And every time, Natasha wanted nothing more than to cut the limbs off of her forsaken lover.

Natasha loves Wanda's magic. Everything Wanda can do and everything she's yet to learn. It's intriguing and fascinating and Natasha wants nothing more than to see Wanda in action everyday. Her powers are easily the coolest of the bunch and they always leave Natasha in awe. Natasha would do anything in her power to make sure Wanda could see her powers the way she does. And she'd show Wanda everyday that she wasn't afraid of her or her powers. She never could be. As lame as it sounded, Natasha Romanoff was truly Wanda's biggest fan.

Natasha hates the way Wanda treats herself. She will talk so lowly of herself and discard her own feelings because "It's not that big of a deal anyways," but Natasha knows that it is. Wanda will risk more than she should to make up for past mistakes and she'll get herself killed one of these days because of it. Wanda will work so hard to feel like she's good enough that she'll forget to take care of herself. She'll work to the brink of exhaustion with no time to eat or shower or brush her teeth. Wanda acts like she doesn't matter, like everyone would be better of if she didn't exist, and Natasha has to keep herself from crying every time she hears her wife says those devastating words. Wanda would reach a new breaking point, and she'd fall into a million little pieces. But Natasha would always be there to pick her up. Always.

Natasha loves how goofy Wanda can be and how it brightens even the dullest of days. She loves how Wanda cares so strongly for so many different things; sitcoms, animals, women's rights, nature, gummy bears (except for the green ones), her garden, Natasha. She loves how cuddly Wanda is and that there's no moment in time where Wanda doesn't want to cuddle. She loves Wanda's obsession with Taylor Swift and how utterly speechless and ecstatic she got when Natasha bought her tickets to one of her concerts. She loves how Wanda always turn their drives into concerts and how she portrays every emotion extra dramatically throughout the songs. Natasha loves the way Wanda looks at her, like she's the only one in the universe.

Natasha loves Wanda, plain and simple.

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