April fools | Wanda Maximoff

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As (y/n) walked towards the kitchen she could hear whispering and quiet giggles. When she entered the open area she could see Tony and Peter trying to keep their cool.

When they noticed (y/n)'s presence, both boys brought their index finger up to their mouths, signaling for (y/n) to keep quiet. (y/n) furrowed her brows in confusion but stayed quiet nonetheless. Tony gestured for the younger avengers to follow him.

Peter's face showed so much excitement that (y/n) couldn't help but smile herself, even if she wasn't sure what was going on. She, Peter and Tony hid behind the couch in the living room connected to the kitchen.

(y/n) was just about to ask what was going on when Tony brought his finger to his mouth once more and then gestured towards the kitchen.

Steve was done with his morning training and gathered some supplies in the kitchen to make a sandwich. As he opened one of the cabinets over the counter, water started squirting all over him.

Right there and than, Tony and Peter couldn't hold back their laughter anymore, and (y/n) couldn't help but laugh a little herself.

Steve took one of the kitchen towels to dry his face of before he walked over to the three of them. "Tony seriously?!" Steve said. Not particularly mad at the situation but obviously not too pleased about it either.

"Sorry old man, but me and the boy here had to teach (y/n) about April fools." Tony said as if it was obvious, still chuckling slightly at his coworker's expense.

"April fools?" (y/n) repeated. The young avenger grew up in the system in Ukraine and once she got out she was captured by Hydra.

Safe to say, the girl didn't know much about American culture. Or any culture for that matter.

Peter went on to explain to (y/n) the basics of April fools as Steve left, the super soldier not being one for those kinds of shenanigans.

(y/n) thought it was quite a weird holiday, but a funny one. Tricking your friends and family to make their day a little bit more stressful, then laughing about it along with them. She'd never heard of such things before.

Of course Tony explained some more cruel and outrageous pranks that could be used, but (y/n) thought they were just too mean and not really that funny.

She did, however, want to do a prank on her girlfriend, Wanda.

Tony insisted that they'd help her, since it was her first prank, but (y/n) wanted to do it on her own. Show herself capable of these types of silly traditions that took place in the avengers compound.

(y/n) thought for a few minutes, getting interrupted every so often from the boys with their ideas, before she came up with the best prank. She knew Wanda would be back from training in a bit which meant she would pass the connected kitchen and living room at any moment.

While they waited, (y/n) continued to talk with Tony and Peter about some pranks they could do on the others, until they heard footsteps approaching.

(y/n) gestured for Tony and Peter to hide behind the couch once more before she stood up and went to the kitchen counter.

Right when she got there Wanda walked by in the corridor, almost not noticing her girlfriend at first. When she saw (y/n) however, a wide grin spread across her face.

"Hi babygirl." she greeted and pecked (y/n)'s lips quickly before pulling her into a hug.

(y/n) smiled into the hug as she thought about the prank she was about to execute.

They both parted from the hug, their eyes lingering on each other for a second before Wanda went to get a bottle of water. "You look beautiful today." (y/n) said, barley able to keep herself from giggling.

The boys listened attentively and peeked their heads out from the couch, intrigued in what prank (y/n) was gonna execute on Wanda.

Wanda turned around while simultaneously closing the fridge, water bottle in hand. "Awe thank you-"

"Ha! April fools! You thought," (y/n) interrupted, enthusiasm clearly taking over her, "you look beautiful everyday!"

Wanda was confused to say the least, but before she could question her girlfriend the boys appeared from behind the couch.

"To say you misunderstood would be an understatement." Tony said, now entering the kitchen.

(y/n) didn't know what he was talking about. She had pranked Wanda, successfully. Even saying the words 'April fools'. What was there to misunderstand.

Tony went to try and explain again, saying how that wasn't a real prank.

Wanda could see how (y/n)'s enthusiasm decreased slightly and she shot Tony a death glare, making the Ironman shift his feet uncomfortably.

Before he could continue his lecture on April fools, Wanda grabbed (y/n)'s hand and dragged her out of the kitchen and back to their shared bedroom.

"You're real cute, do you know that." Wanda said once she closed the door.

(y/n) gave her a small smile.

She wasn't sad per say, but she felt as though she failed at being a normal person. An American. She didn't want to feel like someone who just spent their whole life like a captive, having no say in any of their life choices. She was tired of that.

"You had me you know, I was very confused." Wanda continued when (y/n) didn't say anything. She went ahead and sat down on their bed, gesturing for (y/n) to sit beside her, which she happily did.

"Really?" (y/n) asked, scratching her neck. "I didn't want to do any of those mean pranks Tony told me about, cause I don't want to make anyone sad or mad. So I thought I came up with something good, sorry if I disappointed you." (y/n)'s head was hung low and Wanda had to place her hand under (y/n)'s chin, lifting it up so the younger girl would look at her.

Wanda gave her a kiss on her forehead, letting it linger longer than usual. "You could never disappoint me (y/n). Especially with some April fools prank." she explained, knowing exactly why her girlfriend felt off. "Don't worry baby, you got all the time in the world to learn, okay?" Wanda said, resting her forehead against (y/n)'s, still holding her jaw in place.

(y/n) leaned in and gave Wanda a few smooches before she wrapped her arms around the redhead, nestling against her neck. "I love you, Wands." she spoke into her neck, making Wanda shiver slightly.

Wanda reciprocated the hug and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend protectively, lazily combing her fingers through (y/n)'s hair. "I love you too babygirl." Wanda rested her head on top of (y/n)'s, enjoying the peaceful silence.

That thought shouldn't have entered her brain because seconds later Natasha could be heard shouting, "Tony!" Her voice was deep and aggravated.

Soon after, the two girls could hear Tony and Peter running past their bedroom, repeating the words "Shit", "Run" and "We're dead" a million times.

Wanda and (y/n) broke away from the hug to look at each other and quickly fell into a pit of laughter, one that makes your stomach hurt and makes you feel as though you can't breathe.

That day, (y/n) learned two things. One - Wanda was definitely the one. And two - never prank Natasha.

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