Enough | Florence Pugh

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Florence's POV

After finishing the dishes, I wash up before making my way to mine and (y/n)'s bedroom. She had somewhat of a rough day at work so I told her I'd cook and clean the dishes tonight. She wanted to keep me company but I assured her it was fine and to go up to our room and start a movie.

When I arrive in the doorway I was taken aback by seeing my girlfriend sitting at the end of the bed, in tears.

I rush over to her and bend down so she would look at me. "Baby what's wrong?" I ask, taking her hands in mine.

"I'm just tired that's it." (y/n) say, her voice cracking in the end.

"Hey, don't lie to me okay." I say gently. "I love you and I want to know when something's bothering you." I start while standing up, (y/n)'s hands still in mine. I could feel my legs hurting because of my previous position but I ignore it. "So please baby, tell me what's wrong."

"I'm just, I'll never be-" she fumbles over her words. Her sobs stopping her from speaking properly. Taking a deep breath she spat out the words before her body could stop her, "I wish that I was good enough."

Her words broke me. She was good enough. Good enough for me.

"But you are! Baby, you are good enough."

Her eyes are connected to the floor below so I put my index finger under her chin so she finally looks me in the eyes.

Her (e/c) eyes are covered with a layer of water that's about to break. "You are, my Angel. You are enough."

She close her beautiful eyes and a tear runs down her cheek. I cup her face and brush the tear away with my thumb as I gently crease her red cheeks.

"You don't deserve this." (y/n) say, still self hating.

I've know since the first day that she had insecurities and anxiety but I hate what it does to her, what it makes her think.

"Angel, don't say that! What is it that I don't deserve? Your unconditional love?!" I remove my hands from her pale face.

She was getting worse. When her anxiety and depression got worse (y/n) would slack of, not take care of herself properly. And I bet that dinner was the first time she ate that day.

"You know that's not what I meant." (y/n) looked more upset for a split second before her facial expression turned back to sadness.

"Can't you see that I love you? That's all that matters, isn't it?" This time I was the one who was about to break.

"Yes but-"

"Than why isn't that enough?" My voice cracks and I feel something wet sliding down on the side of my nose.

"Are you gonna go insecure on me now?" A small smile appear on both of our faces.

I childishly push her shoulder biting my lip. I'm still standing in front of (y/n)'s legs but as she puts her arms around my waist she separates them to usher me even closer to her embrace. "You're too good for me Florence Pugh. Too pure." She says seriously.

I lay down my head on her (h/c) hair and start playing with it.

"I love you (y/l/n), so don't you dare leave me, you got it?!" I remove my head and take a tiny step back looking (y/n) directly into her (e/c) eyes making sure she understands. "Never, not even in my wildest dreams would I give up someone like you." I say before we both smile happily.

I lean down to attach my lips onto (y/n)'s full one's.
She grabs the back of my head tangling her hand in my - much in need of a shower - hair. Once again I cup her face before moving her up from the bed and closer to my body.

I feel her warm breath on my lips once we have to separate for air.

I'm quick to press my lips onto (y/n)'s again. Feeling her smile which makes me smirk with satisfaction.

I made her feel better, again.

"I know you just dragged me of the bed but maybe we should continue this-"

"Say less babygirl." I interrupt. (y/n) looks at me lovingly but with hunger. "You look so hot right now, Angel."

She releases herself out of my grip and walks backwards to the bed. "Just wait and see baby, just wait and see."

We giggle and I attack (y/n) so that we both fall onto the bed, her under me. "I love you sunflower." she says and I can't help but blush. I always do when she calls me that.

"Clothes off right now!" I order. I'm usually the one who takes control. Sometimes we like to switch it up, but right now I'm hungry for my girlfriend.

She obeys, taking off her black denim jeans and her black top. I remove my big sweater and my grey shorts before seeing (y/n) lay on the bed fully nude.

I crawl on top of her, pinning her arms down on the sheets, her body in between my tanned legs as I whisper in her ear, "good girl." I see her body shivering and she pulls me down by the neck.

We grace our lips on each other's patiently before I feel her tongue creasing my lips teasingly. When I can't take it any more I lean down and force my lips onto (y/n)'s, and she smirks victoriously at me.

I scoff and (y/n) starts to giggle. I detach our lips before saying, "just shut up and kiss me (y/l/n)."

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