You get hate online (cast)

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Scarlett Johansson
- she tries her best to occupy you with something else
- comforts you when it all gets too much
- tells you everything she loves about you instead
- makes her team look into it to make sure it's nothing serious
- treats you to spa days and lazy days at home

Elizabeth Olsen
- gets super sad and upset
- gets back on socials just to call people out
- posts something she loves about you everyday
- "I'm the luckiest girl alive to be able to wake up to (y/n) everyday for the rest of my life."
- goes on your phone and blocks everyone who writes something mean

Florence Pugh
- long stories about how the people should be ashamed of themselves
- cuddling you even more and barley leaving your side
- "Seriously, if you guys have nothing better to do I actually kind feel sorry for you."
- she's not too worried since you've dealt with hate your whole career
- supports your decision to delete twitter and Instagram

Hailee Steinfeld
- doesn't really know what to do
- you underplay how much hate you get and how much they threaten you
- when Hailee finds out she's furious and concerned
- takes you away on vacation for a few weeks so you can get away from it all and feel safe
- post about you all the time (like she didn't already do that)

Brie Larson
- it upsets you a lot but you're scared to say anything about it
- she realizes quickly that something's wrong and talks to you about it
- Brie rants on Instagram about how bad you feel and how people should just "Stfu tbh."
- comforts you and joins you on a break from social media
- helps you with feeling more confident and happy in yourself and your body

Zendaya Colman
- it became so bad that people actually located your address and trashed your door and windows
- Zendaya was furious and took the matter to the police
- you obviously didn't feel safe in your own home so Zendaya made you move in with her for the time being
- the hate continued but people stopped showing up to your house
- she held you tight all night and whispered comforting frases, barley leaving your side at all for months

Xochitl Gomez
- you mostly laugh at it since the hate is baked in with gen z humor
- you post some of the funniest ones on your story
- Xochitl asks if you're sure you're okay everyday
- she makes sure to tell you how great and special you are nonetheless
- it was a cute little era

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