Fruit sallad & seagulls | Elizabeth Olsen

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"What about here? It's a good spot right?" You said pointing towards the lonely tree that stood at the end of the beach, connecting it to a small grove.

"I don't think where we sit really matters hun" Lizzie responded with a kiss to your cheek, leaving it to flush intensely. "Come on!" Her hand let go of yours as she jogged to the spot you previously pointed out. You sprinted in front of her, giving her a little scare before she tried to catch up to you. But when she reached you you had already started laying out the blanket on the hot sand, which your bare feet really appreciated.

"What's wrong babygirl? Are you mad you lost to a girl?" Lizzie's expression showed surrender in the fight of your childishness. She was smiling brightly like always nonetheless.

"Alright sit down Usain Bolt" she said, correcting her neckless. You just looked at her motion, your eyes getting stuck at her chest. "(y/n)," she brought up her hand to her forehead to shut out the sun that was shinning brightly behind you. "are you staring at my breasts?" Lizzie raised her eyebrow, not believing what she saw, but also not rejecting the feeling it gave her. She enjoyed it, enjoyed that it was you.

"No, I wasn't, I was just... just-"

"Don't break too much of a sweat there bud" you laughed but your soul was trying to escape your body at the same time, which made the laugh stiff as a stick. "What did you bring?" Lizzie said, sensing your uneasiness and changing the subject to make you relax again.

"Way too much stuff" you sat down and opened the basket you brought with you. It had all kinds of sweets, like strawberries, cherries, sandwiches, chocolate, juice, water, chocolate-ship cookies, cinnamon rolls, muffins and a big bowl of fruit salad.

"Oh my god (y/n), you didn't have to bring all those things! Sandwiches would have been enough!" Lizzie's expression was one of surprise and utter innocence, an expression you decided you loved from the very first time you saw it. "Seriously (y/n)? I only brought a blanket, if I'd know you'd-"

"Lizzie it's fine! I really like baking anyways and-"

"You baked them yourself?!" Lizzie exclaimed in pure shock, her mouth agape.

"Well yes of course. We always bake everything ourselves in my family, that's how I grew up" you said flashing that cute toothless smile you always had when you talk about your family.

"(y/n) it's lovely, it smells so so good. I can't wait to taste it" Her voice was soft like silk and you almost melted to the ground in awe.

You reached in the basket for one of the muffins that were formed as a little hearts. "Here, try" you said and brought the muffin towards Lizzie's mouth. You jumped a step closer as she separated her lips, allowing you to feed her the sweet. The muffin was so soft and crumbled right in her mouth, making it water up from the senses. "What'd you think?"

Lizzie nodded her head and her eyes rolled back in her head in satisfaction. "So good!" She said taking another bite.

You giggled and tasted one for yourself. 'Not half bad' you thought. You looked back at Lizzie that was on her last bite now and had crumbles all around her mouth. You brought you hand up to her face and carefully stroke it away, barley touching her skin. It sent shivers down her spine, you could see. "Thank you" her hand creased yours, making you flinch and retreat it.

Lizzie's eyes diverted to the basket and a smirk creeped up on your face. "You want another one, don't you?" You giggled as she nodded enthusiastically and picked up another one. "Help yourself" you said ironically, leaning back against the lonely tree, watching as Lizzie enjoyed every bite of her muffin.

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