Dating them would include (cast)

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Scarlett Johansson
- being like a second mother to Rose and Rose even calling you Mama
- paparazzi always following you two
- taking care of the kids if she has to travel for work
- her always asking you to be her date on events
- no a lot of PDA unless it's handholding or on events
- movie nights with Florence and Hailee every month
- her teaching you about skin care and you always using The Outset
- not much time for sex but when their finally is, it's passionate, hot, hungrily and loving
- doing silly tiktoks and other content together
- you always posting how proud you are of her and all her achievements, big and small

Elizabeth Olsen
- being her comfort person
- always going with her on interviews and press so she feels more comfortable
- not much pda except for hand holding
- running away together to get married and then later on throwing a big wedding ceremony with all your friends and family
- both of you being very clingy, 24/7 cuddles and closeness
- being each other's biggest fan
- her always cooking for you
- always watching Wanda edits and showing her the best ones
- you sunbathing while she tends to her garden 
- always traveling with her for work

Florence Pugh
- guest staring on Cooking with Flo
- you always posting pictures of how much of a badass she is and how much you love her
- her always listening to your music
- road trips almost every week
- always bringing your boys over to see Scarlett and Rose 
- both of you being best friends with Hailee
- making sure you get alone time for partying or date nights
- her always showing you her work beforehand, being incredibly excited and nervous for what you'll think
- you writing songs about her and your boys
- a lot of PDA, especially on vacations

Hailee Steinfeld
- always listening to her songs beforehand
- you watching all the shows she's in even if she doesn't want you to cause she's embarrassed
- cuddles and movies all the time
- quarantining and doing tiktoks together
- Martini favoring you
- Hailee being jealous as soon as someone looks at you a little too long
- PDA all the time
- her always posting about how amazing and beautiful you are and how much she loves you
- slow, loving, passionate and intimate sex
- going on tour and traveling the world together

Brie Larson
- almost always being on the same side, and when you're not you solve it by healthy communication
- you both love staying home and cuddling for the most part, sometimes you like a good night out tho
- her being really clingy, especially when you've been gone one night
- you loving how cute and needy she is
- always posting each other on your story's
- you're always being backstage on her interviews to ease her up
- falling more in love with her every time you see how she handles your daughter
- wanting Brie to be your daughters co-parent
- you being her biggest fan and posting about how proud you are of her too often
- her always taking your daughter for walks in the stroller/or to the park when she's older

Zendaya Colman
- being jealous of every costar she gets to kiss
- running lines with her
- being her date to events
- having a reading club just the two of you
- always an open house, with new foster kids coming to live with you from time to time
- being best friends with Tom and Hunter
- her trying to teach you to bake
- you failing so bad she has to post about it on her story
- never having alone time cause of the paparazzi
- you crying multiple time because of her performance in Euphoria

Xochitl Gomez
- always being goofballs
- you being a year older than her, which you love to rub in her face
- buying all the America Chavez merchandise you can find
- trying alcohol, weed and sex together for the first time
- her always bragging about how weird and adventurous you are
- you posting videos of how clumsy and playful she is
- watching every marvel project together
- long deep conversations about your future
- her already giving you a promise ring
- being joined to the hip ever since you met

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