Start from the beginning

"My crow could mistakenly catch a glimpse of your face, and the last thing I want is for him to burn alive," I said to the Dragon King. With my hands, I traced the table until I found the fork, finally picking it up before delving into the food, waiting for his response. "Corvus, leave the room," I commanded the bird, and he cawed before exiting through a small window, leaving me in absolute darkness once again since I could no longer see through him.

However, eating without my eyes was something I had grown accustomed to. I gently picked up an apple, bringing it close to my mouth, and took a bite, savoring the delicious taste as the juice burst into my mouth.

Even though I was completely blind at the moment, I could feel the Dragon King's gaze fixed on me. It made me uncomfortable, so I spoke up, saying, "I can feel your eyes on me. What is it you have to say?"

"Still as arrogant as ever," he finally replied after a silence that seemed to stretch on forever.

I took another bite of my food and retorted, "You speak as if you know me so well."

Another long silence followed, and I began to realize that the Dragon King wasn't much of a talker. The tension in the air grew increasingly suffocating as I patiently waited for his response. Unable to bear it any longer, I asked, "Do you know me from before?"

"I know you are one of the things I despise the most," he said, his voice cutting through the air like an icy blade, but beneath the surface, bitterness laced his words.

"And how can you despise someone you don't know?" I questioned, trying to understand the reason behind his hatred.

"How do you feel about me right now?" he asked, his piercing gaze seemingly searching for something within me. I fell silent, grappling with my emotions. 
Despite the fact that I do not know him too well, I knew for a fact that I do not like him at all and it was hard to deny the underlying tension.

"I admit I do not like you, but I do not hate you either," I replied, choosing my words carefully, aware of the danger of the situation, I was speaking to the dragon king afterall. "But with you, it is different. How can you hate me when I have done you no wrong?"

The air felt heavy with unspoken emotions as we clung to our own perceptions and experiences. The atmosphere held an unspoken history, leaving me curious about what lay beneath the Dragon King's cold exterior.

Another silence filled the room as I waited for his reply, but none came. I could feel his eyes burning into my skin, adding to my discomfort.

"I have a reason to dislike you. Let me remind you that you married me against my will and brought me to this strange land," I stated.

"If preventing your deranged father from having your head on a platter is enough reason to dislike me, then I have every right to despise you, especially after all you did," he retorted.

"I have never even met you, Dragon King. What did I do wrong?" I asked, feeling puzzled and frustrated.

Another exasperating silence ensued, and I took a deep breath, searching for the right words to say. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he responded, "Your crow wouldn't die just by looking at me."

"What do you mean?" I inquired. "I have been told that the reason you wear a mask is that no one can gaze upon your real face without being burnt alive."

"Then you should also know that any animal can freely look at my face, and no harm shall befall them," he clarified.

"What do you mean? I had no idea the curse only applies to humans; I thought it applied to all living creatures," I said, confusion evident in my tone.

"Sooner or later, you will learn more about the curse," he said, pausing briefly before dropping a bombshell, "After all, you were the one who placed the curse on me."

My eyes widened in shock as I tried to process his words. "I... I... I did that? I was the one who placed the curse on you? How?"

"That, and a lot more," he replied cryptically.

"But why would I? I have no reason to. I don't understand," I stammered, trying to make sense of the revelation.

He gracefully rose to his feet, his eyes I could sense was fixed on me with an intense gaze. Moving closer, I felt his lips brush slightly against my ear, his warm breath sending shivers through me. "Come to my room tonight, accompanied by your little bird," he whispered, "and you will discover the reasons behind the curse you placed upon me."

I couldn't explain why, but that little gesture left me feeling an unfamiliar sensation stirring within me. I quickly brushed it aside, trying to focus on the situation at hand. He lifted the weighty bronze mask, likely worn immediately, and his footsteps faded away as he left the dining area, the heavy door closing behind him.

Sitting there, I attempted to gather my thoughts while concealing my shock. How could I be the cause behind the curse that prevents anyone from gazing at the Dragon King's face? Why was I the reason only animals remained unharmed?

Once again, a profound revelation had been thrust upon me. Questions swirled in my mind, leaving me to wonder about my own identity and the actions I might have taken unknowingly. Just who am I, and what deeds have I done to bring about s
uch consequences? The path ahead had a lot  mysteries that I yearned to reveal.

ROYAL DARKNESS (MASKED)(18+)Where stories live. Discover now