
Harry didn't even had a chance to pour his morning coffee, when his first born son just buried his head in his side, looking his arms around Harry tightly and letting the tears fall. Of course, it worried Harry deeply about James. Today should be a special day. Valerie was four today. Harry remembered that day all too well, James, not so much. His body shut down, because he couldn't handle growing their daughter in such a manner, at such a young age. The empty mug was sat back down on the counter and Harry locked his arm around the sobbing young man. "Come on, son." Harry said to James.
Harry's small home office came home to the pair that morning as Harry tried to find out what was bothering his son, sitting them on the small couch by the tiny window. Harry's hand kept on his back, giving it light pats until the young man let his sobs come to a stop. "James what's got you so upset today? Valerie is being such a giggle girl. Market is working on her hair as I went by." Harry said and he struggled his shoulders, not really wanting to talk. "You have to talk to me, James." Harry said softly, looking at James who studied the world outside. A cold winter morning, the grass covered in a blanket of snow. "Summer had me join her for tea. I woke up sick, again." James whispered. Harry? Knew were this was going, knowing the fears his son had, the very strong, very active fears James had. "James. No matter the current situation, no matter the circumstance, I will never send you away. Draco and I are very well prepared for you and Victor too always need us. Joey and I have talked a few times. He is just fine with staying with us, to keep his boy close. You have to try and believe me. I know it's difficult. You went through two broken hearts, starting with your own mother, but I will never push you away." Harry said, keeping his hand on James back, rubbing it lightly. James kept quiet for a few minutes. "I don't think too far...The symptoms only started a few days ago." He whispered. "Just contact our doctor, son, and take care of yourself. You can't let yourself get worked up. You are never going to be pushed away, I promise. Grandma, Narcissa, will add to this home as much as we need." Harry pointed out. "...Okay." James said softly.


Harry finally sat down with his morning coffee as breakfast cooked on the stove. Draco stood cooking it, with Albus and his shy Girlfriend, Annabelle. He wasn't all that surprised when she appeared downstairs with him form the bedroom he shared with Molly and Lily. She was pretty soft spoken, but the tots loved her. It was a new person they had to tell their stories too and show off their magic too. She did get overwhelmed, learning about another world, but Rachel, his daughter of four and half years, seemed to use her own magic and aid that. Annabelle feeling much better after a short time with the girl, who told Harry she was different then most girls. Harry wasn't sure what his toddler meant by that, but Amanda seemed okay. He would keep an eye on what his young daughter said, but only in the back of his mind.
Harry had a big drink of his coffee as Valerie was put on her feet. Her grandpa, Market, just finished her hair and put her in a pretty white dress that outline her darker skin tone to her daddy, but she was a very happy birthday girl. "Papaw!" She giggled and climbed up on his lap. Harry smiled at his Frist born grandchild, who was a very happy girl. "Why good morning, Val!" Harry said, putting his mug of coffee on the table and locked the small girl into a hug. She giggled, taking the big kiss to her cheek by him. It took hardly a minute before the younger tots to come take Valerie away. At least until breakfast was called by Draco. Market and Stan joined Harry at the table, who picked up his coffee. "I seen you talking to that woman the other day." Stan said. "She's the headmistress at Hogwarts. She's...needing teachers, and offered Draco and I a job, to witch we can come back after last class. She's hoping to get some of the children enrolled when they are of age and currently." Harry said, with a sigh. "I know you and Draco aren't so willingly for magic, but there must be a reason she's requesting the children." Stan asked. "Rachel, is who has caught a lot of people's attention. Her magic is only growing. She's even open to later on, Ox can join the twins... she's starting to offer classes to muggles, mostly the partners or parents of magical children/adults to learn about the world better, to understand...but there's still a hang up there." Harry said. "How soon is see wanting an answer?" He asked. "By the term enrollment, at least for the jobs." Harry said. "I'm sure the children would love to explore their world?" Stan kind of asked. "Maybe, but I still don't know. Draco agreed we'd discuss it over the course of the few months, but I just don't know." Harry said, taking another drink of coffee. "I'm sure you two will figure it out, decide what is best for you two." He said. "Maybe, yes." Harry replied back.

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