[ Chapter 97 : Memories ]

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He leans back on the couch and have Esmé stand on his lap.

" I'm the best uncle you could ever have " he leans in and Esmé reaches her saliva coated hands out to his face, he chuckles.

" Celeste will be here soon, I need to go and check on your mother first " Derek said, I look over my shoulder to him and nod.

" If Laurence comes back, tell me " I said.

" I will " he said then leaves the parlor.

" Annette, could you put these on a plate? " I asked as I hold the package and she approaches.

" Of course "

~ Time Skip ~

" They turned into scars, I'm not sure if they will fade when she's older but I have the spell to make them go away "

" Thank you, Amelia " I said as Esmé grip my finger with her hand, moving her arm around playfully and gently.

" No problem " she said and pull up Esmé's dress to cover her torso that's full off needle prick scars.

" When is Laurence coming back? " I asked as I look up at Amelia.

" In an hour or two, still working on the house renovation arrangements, don't worry I'm helping him too " she said.

" Everything is alright now, it's been three weeks, you can relax " she said.

I hold Esmé in my arms as I sit on my wheelchair.

" We have your back " she said.

" What happened to the cup? " I asked.

" It's locked and sealed, I've sent it over to the palace where it will be kept safe in the royal vault " she said.

" Should destroy it and the ritual books, why do you even keep them if it's forbidden? " I asked.

" Some of them are used for knowledge, teach the students of how to reflects such evil tricks " she said.

" And look where that got us into " I look down at Esmé who looks like she's about to cry.

Eventually she cries and I already fed her so I use my pinky finger to put it in her mouth gently, gradually she calms down as I feel her sucking on my pinky.

" I can't even imagine what you went through just to protect Esmé " Amelia said.

I look back up at her.

" There's always a good and evil, so you have to understand it's the way of the world "

" I've heard that somewhere before " I said.

" My mother always taught me that the world needs balance " she said.

" That's a little unfair don't you think? " I asked.

" These hardships we go through, we'll cherish the experience when we get back on our feet, learn from it for the future " she said.

" And we'll become more cautious "

" How can you even bear it? " I asked.

" Sometimes you have to even if you can't " she said.

" Believe me, what you did is all for your family " she place her hand on my shoulder and caress it.

" I did " I said.

She sighs and look down at her grandchild.

" I would do the same for Laurence like your mother with you " she said, I snicker.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now