[ Chapter 30 : Special Guest ]

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Y/n's pov.  

I slide my brush on the page of my paper and carefully follow the lines of his pretty blue eyes. With the help of the sunlight it made him look more better, I feel myself blushing to see the complete piece.

" Why am I painting you again? " I mutter to myself then put away my brush next to me before looking the window.

I'm sitting on this platform made into a couch of sort next to this window which is comfortable. It's raining today, just a light shower with little thunder as well even some lighting I saw. I'm not a fond of thunder if I'm being honest, but I'm excited. Once the sun's out there's going to be mud puddles around for me to play later, or tomorrow or whenever the rain stops.

I've been in my room the entire day and it's noon, all I have been doing is just drawing in my notebook along with coloring some pages of my drawings.

Drawings of Laurence.

I don't understand why he's so easy to draw and why I'm drawing him, there's something about him that I admire, I don't want to but I can't seem to put my finger on it.

It's a little unsettling with the thunder but drawing distracts me. I think I got carried away that it is why I was drawing all day, to distract myself from the storm. I look back down at my book and see the paint has dried so I shut the book before getting off the platform and walk over to my desk. I open the first drawer then put my book in there, I close and lock it with the key.

If someone finds out about this it won't look good, especially Talia, I have a feeling she'll do something bad, after yesterday's incident I doubt she's not brewing a new plan in her quarters right now. Though if I'm hiding the book I gotta hide the key too, looking around there have not seem to be a good hiding spot so I'll have to make one.

Can't hide on me or I'll lose it, can't hide in obvious places either, but sometimes it's harder to find it at the obvious places. My attention then turn to the my bed, tilting my head to analyze it and it clicked me, I approach my bed and get on it. I scooch closer to the headboard and feel the tip of the one design and it's a screw, I unscrew it and the cap fall off to my palm. Looking at it it's not hollow.

Damn, would be a great hiding spot, I screw back the cap.

I sigh and fall backwards on my bed holding this key close to my chest, I lie here with the cold air and I was in the moment of about to falling asleep when I hear the door knocked, I roll my eyes and sit up.

" Miss? " I hear Jemma's voice, I stuff the key in between my boobs.

" Come in! " I said then look over my shoulder as the door opens.

" What? " I asked.

" I'm sorry were you sleeping? " She asked, I shake my head.

" No, what happened? " I asked.

" Lady Talia requests for you in her chamber " she said, I scoff.

" Tell her to fuck off " I said and lie back down.

" But you've decline her this morning- " I groan and grab my pillow as I hug it.

" Then I'll decline her again!, Now if you'll excuse me, I want to enjoy the rain! " I shout.

" As you wish " I hear her shut the door.

I snuggle my face up to my soft pillow and look at the window where the rain is streaming down the pane glass.

~ Time Skip ~

" Gotcha'! " I cup my hands around the frog that leaped and I caught it in midair.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now