[ Chapter 76 : Control ]

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Y/n's pov.  

I limp and wince as I approach my desk and caught the edge of it before I tip over. I groan when I move my shoulders and feel how sore they are. My entire body is aching and I can't believe everything that happened was just yesterday. Miss Layla told me to rest until my wounds recover but I don't really want to miss class because there's two more lessons before the trimester ends and after that the rest of the month is waiting for graduation.

So I better not be left behind.

Mr. Faera took off my bandages on my hands so I don't have paws anymore and he gave me a wheelchair but I can walk on my own. I continue to stretch my arms as I hold onto the table and turn my head around to relieve my neck. Laurence is in class and he said he'll come here after he's done with his lessons, the others said the same but I told them to worry more about their studies than me.

" Y/n " I look over at my door where I see Elvenia entering through the mini door.

" What? " I asked.

" What are you doing?, Your not supposed to be standing " she flies towards me.

" I'm good, just needs some stretching and I'll be back to working on the books in no time " I said.

" Yeah but Mrs. Zvahl instructed me to watch over you " she said.

I put my arms down and look at her with a smile.

" I'll be just fine " I poke her tummy and she grumbles.

" No, your not " she flies pass me and I turn around to see her flying over the wheelchair.

" Sit " she points down to the chair and I snicker.

" Okay boss " I sarcastically said as I limp there then take a seat.

I roll the wheels and head over to the door.

" Where are you going? " She flies in front of me and stop me with arms crossed.

" If I can't arrange the books then I might as well be on desk duty " I said.

" No, Rowena is on desk duty right now, you rest " she said.

" Since when are you this bossy? " I asked.

She frowns and I look at her more confused, her face says it all that there's something in her mind.

" Hey " I poke her again and she pushes my finger away like she's annoyed.

" What's wrong? "

" You really scared me Y/n " she looks at me with a worried expression, I chuckle.

" It's okay, I'll live, trust me desk duty is not going to hurt me " I said.

" Syrene is still out there " she said as she unfold her arms.

" I already told Derek about her and miss Layla has the knights all around the school to look for her, she's even wanted in the city " I said.

She then flew closer and hug my cheek, I smile and caress her back with my big hand over her small body, also trying not to hurt her wings, she's already tearing up.

" Who's going to protect me from Scouts after graduation? " She sniffles.

" I'm sure there will be other students to protect you in the upcoming years " I said then pull her off my face.

She sighs again and I chuckle as she wipe the tears with her hand.

" Now if you'll excuse me, I'm bored " I said then open the door and leave my room.

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