[ Chapter 20 : Lesson & Manners ]

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Y/n's pov.

" No perfume " I gesture my hand when the maid holds the bottle.

She puts it away and I look to my right where the other maid was holding a small sponge with some powder and about to apply it to my face.

" No need " I said and she puts it away.

The third maid then approaches me with a tray of accessories.

" Uhh, it's okay " I said.

" Miss " she said and look up at me with concerned eyes.

" You have to wear at least a few accessories " she said.

" Do I? " I asked then see the other two maids nods, I sigh.

" Fine " I look down at the tray.

There's bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, hairpins and those fancy hand harness's, I've seen Lumia wore those a few times. Well I already have my bracelet and the barrette clip Derek gave, won't hurt to wear more I guess.

" I'll just wear this " I pick up the small bowl of hair accessories.

The maid put away the tray and I turn to the mirror to see this outfit I'm wearing, well I suppose it's a little bit to my taste, knee length short skirt. Not a fan of the sleeves though, but these pair of boots I'm wearing are definitely acceptable, and the comfortable long socks which is up to my thighs.

I see the maid pull up a chair to my vanity table so I sit down and the maid start brushing my hair gently. She brushes my bangs back and I feel her braiding it down with a few more strands of my hair, the other maid then put on the hair accessory I picked. This honestly felt like forever of them braiding my hair.

" How does this look miss? " I look at my mirror where the maid holds another mirror that shows me the view of my hair from behind. (Pic above)

I exhale in disbelief.

" Thank you " I said.

" Your welcome " she smiles.

I stand up from the chair then turn back to the full body mirror, this fits me so well. I smile and giggle as I twirl, haven't felt this happy since Gia died. The other two maids leave the room and I just stand here admiring myself and adjusting a few things.

" Alright, let's go outside, I want to see the city " I said.

" Actually you can't " she said.

" Why not? " I asked.

" We shall head to the garden, miss " the maid said, I turn to her and she's the one who pick me up from the school.

" What's your name? " I asked.

" Jemma, miss " she said.

" Tell me Jemma, why should I? " I asked.

" Lady Talia has made a schedule for your etiquette lessons, and if you do not follow the rules you will face the consequences " she said.

" What consequences? " I asked.

" Terrible ones " she said, I hum.

Better if I don't find out and worry mom if it's like that.

" Do I have time for the rest of the day? " I asked.

" Your lessons are actually four hours following up with some reading, you won't be free today, practically for a few days until you've done practices "

" Four hours?!, Who the hell does she think I am?, A dog?! " I asked.

" It's what your mother agreed to actually " she said.

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