[ Chapter 14 : Hangout Spot ]

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Y/n's pov.   

" Y/n, we shouldn't be out here! " Elvenia flies next to me and I laugh.

" Relax girl, this is my free period, I wanna explore the school grounds " I said and walk through this cobblestone path, the garden of this school.

" Yeah you can roam around but not this part of the garden, Mr. Faera forbid students going here because the grounds are not safe, pot holes, venomous snakes, there's even quicksand! " She said.

" Well I'm here now am I?, You didn't exactly hold me back or told me earlier " I asked.

" I did, then you push me off your shoulder " she said, I chuckle.

" I mean, you fly, have you been here before? " I asked.

" Yes, and Mr. Faera wasn't lying about the snakes " she said.

" Well, I grew up in the outer lands, we used to plant paddy's and I've encountered water snakes more often than you think " I said.

" Snakes are the worse " she said, I chuckle.

" Don't worry, I'll protect you " I said.

" Please do " she said and I chuckle.

I see there's a mossy stone wall as we go in further and there's a curve to the left direction and I just follow the path, I notice the cobblestone path start to break apart and more into pretty soft soils.

" These are good soils actually, to plant crops " I said.

" What's it like to grow crops? " She asked.

" It's fun to learn those kind of things but the only thing they miss out is the icky part " I said.

" What's the icky part? " She asked.

" Well, the sweat, dirty water, mud all over you and greasy hair " I said.

" Yuck " she said.

" Told ya' " I said.

We then come across a small corridor-like with a mossy stone wall.

" Where does this lead to? " I asked.

" I don't remember, must be what Mr. Faera is planning to make " she said.

" Probably " I said and we made it to the end of this corridor where there's an iron gate.

I push it lightly and it swings open.

" Looks like we're welcomed here " I said.

" It doesn't talk " she said, I snicker and we enter the place.

" Whoa " I exhale in disbelief.

The ground is completely covered in grass and rose bushes against the wall, a creek just flowing across in front of me with a mini bridge. On the other side I notice a swing with someone sitting there, from the figure from behind I have a pretty good idea who it is.

I shush Elvenia and she nods, I slowly creep up the bridge and step on the grass, trying not to make a sound to jump him. As I'm closer and closer, prepare my hands up and get even closer. I tilt my head to notice a book in his hand and a quill in the other and I smirk, creeping up closer before slapping my hand down on his shoulders and scream.

" Laurence! "

" Ahh! " He screams and got off the swing as he falls to his knees and the book flung off his hands almost hitting me.

I stand here and burst out laughing as he sit there on all fours and catching his breath. I couldn't help it but laugh uncontrollably, holding my stomach and so did Elvenia.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now