[ Chapter 81 : Celebration ]

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Y/n's pov.   

" Kayla "

" Louise "

" Cathleen "

" Jeana "

" Kenneth "

" Ivan "

" I like Louise " Heidi said and I turn to her.

" If it's a boy, and Laurence is picking the name " I said.

" Just stating out my opinion " she said.

I snicker and hold onto my horse rein, the other hand on my stomach.

" Derek's definitely going to freak out, and my brothers will attack Laurence, either physically or verbally " I said.

" I don't see how verbally is going to happen " Heidi said.

" Probably threats " I said.

" Oh, now I see it " she said.

We both chuckle and continue down the path.

" Alright, this is my stop " Heidi said.

" Thank your for everything, even though you didn't do anything to help with Syrene " I said.

" Be grateful I was there to fall in the trap for you, my rib still hurts " she said, I snicker again.

" Alright, see ya' " I said.

" Bye " she said then turn her horse away as I did the same.

Guiding my horse down this path into the forest where I can see the rooftop of our house. Going a little faster I arrive at the gates and see two guards there.

" Mrs. Zvahl, you've returned! " One said.

I smile then they open the gate as I enter, I went over to the maid who walks down the stairs.

" Miss!, Your back! " she said.

" Hi Jemma " I said and she helps me dismount the horse.

" Where's Laurence? " I asked.

" He's in your chambers " she said.

" How is he? " I asked.

" He's helped out your sister in law with the medicine shop business " she said.

" Really? " I asked, she nods.

" While your gone, he kept himself busy "

" But he's as healthy as ever, you got nothing to worry about, I took care of him as you asked " she said.

" Thank you Jemma " I said, she smiles and another man takes my horse rein.

I take off my cloak and pass it off to her.

" He misses you dearly " she said, I nodded.

" I'll see you later " I said.

I walk up the steps and enter the house, seeing the renovations has been completed and I walk up the steps to the next floor and head down the hallways. I fiddle with the pendant on my neck and approach the door to our room. Taking deep breaths before placing my hand on the handle, I knock first then push it down and open the door.

As I walk in I see Laurence standing there leaning by the desk with his back facing me. He stands there holding a quill and a book, I also notice Fluffball is running around the place, though he's bigger now and fatter.

" Jemma could you feed Fluffball then help me out with these, I'll be meeting up with Celeste to arrange the restocking of the supplies " He asked.

I shut the door behind me and exhale.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now