[ Chapter 84 : Traitor In Our Midst ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Miss "

I look at Jemma beside me.

" Yes? " I asked.

" Are you okay? " She asked.

" What do you mean?, Of course I am " I said.

She looks at me with concern and I turn my head to the canvas I had put out and see it's blank. Untouched and the paintbrush in my hand is not dipped into any paint, even the palette in my other hand still have fresh paint that is undisturbed.

I sigh and put it down on the table.

" Put them away, I don't feel well today " I said and get up from the stool.

I put my hand on my stomach as she supports me, she gestures to the other maids to do it.

" Is this because of the immunity exposure, miss? " She asked.

" You could say that, I do have immunity " I said.

" Then what's troubling you? " She asked.

She walks me to the couch and I take a seat.

" The commentary " I said and sigh again.

I lean back on the couch.

" Would you like to eat anything?, Perhaps tea that could calm your mind? " She asked.

" Could you find something like a biscuit or crackers?, And yes to a drink that could calm me down " I asked, she nods then curtsy before leaving the room.

I sit here in relaxation but you can doubt that because I'm not exactly relaxing with the news of my immunity has been exposed. It's been a day since and I'm just hearing how people keep saying I'm cursed, a jinx, demon, practicing black magic, etc. The list keeps going and I don't know what to do even Laurence has been so stressed about it, maybe we shouldn't have gone down the streets. The most strange thing is how did it got out?, No one knows about my immunity than my friends and families, even though people saw things they just end up in a rumor with the help of Rowena's mom silencing people, whoever made that poster at the bulletin board was purposefully targeting me.

Who could it be?

" Something on your mind? "

" Ah! " I shriek and look over my shoulder to see Laurence who gave me a wince expression.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you " he said.

I exhale in relief with my hand on my chest.

" Yeah, I'm just still thinking about the. . . " I gesture my hand and try to think of a word.

" Situation? " I snap my fingers and nod.

" That's the one " I said.

He goes around the couch.

" Hey, when did you come in? " I asked.

" Just now " he said and sit down beside me.

" I talked to Derek about the news " he said, I sigh.

" I was just thinking about it " I said.

" And? " He asked.

" I have a feeling that we have a traitor in our midst " I said.

" How could that be?, We were certain to keep this a secret " he dramatically said and we laugh.

I lean my head on his shoulder with his arm around my waist.

" I don't know, I just have a feeling that there is someone who knows and I'm waiting for it to be an unexpected person " I said.

" Like who? " He asked, I shrug.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now